Faculty of Health Sciences

Jeanetta du Plessis

Jeanetta du Plessis, BPharm, MSc (Pharmaceutics), PhD, DTO (PU for CHE) is the director of the Centre of Excellence for Pharmaceutical Sciences and professor of Pharmaceutics at the NWU.  She is a pharmacist who is specialising in drug delivery, whilst her research focuses on topical and transdermal drug delivery.  She has supervised numerous post-graduate students.  She is the author/co-author of several patents, well over 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and quite a few book chapters.  She serves on the scientific editorial boards of numerous scientific journ

Lanthé (IM) Kruger

Lanthé Kruger obtained her B.Sc. degree in September 2003 at the former Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education (PU for CHE), where after she started with her post-graduate studies with special focus on cardiovascular physiology. During this time, Lanthé was also appointed as a temporary lecturer (2006-2008) as well as research assistant (2005-2008) within the Cardiovascular Physiology research group. During this time, she gained insight and experience into both worlds of academia as well as research.

Angelina Wilson

Dr Wilson specializes in positive psychology research and is currently interested in understanding the effect of positive interventions in high-risk communities in South Africa.


She is also part of the positive psychology team working with the African Unit for Transdisciplinary Health Research


Marié P. Wissing

Marié Wissing’s research is mainly conducted in two projects (FORT3 & EHHI) with the integrative focus on the clarification of the nature and facets of psychosocial well-being, validation of well-being measures in various contexts, exploration of similarities and differences across socio-demographic, cultural and international contexts, and reflection on theories and underlying philosophical assumptions and now specializing in research on meaning, goals and relatedness in local and international projects.

Vera Roos

As a second generation social gerontologist in the African context, my research focuses on older individuals and their relationships with people and space (place).

Minrie Greeff

Minrie Greeff is Head of the Ethics Office of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the NWU since 2015 managing both human and animal research. She is Professor in research in the Africa Unit for Trans-disciplinary Health Research in the same Faculty. She has specialised in Psychiatric Nursing. Her focus has since shifted to transdisciplinary health research and health research ethics. She qualified as a research ethicist in 2014 and was appointed in 2017 as member of the National Health Research Ethics Council.

Carina Mels

Carina Mels is full-time Research Professor and Director of the Hypertension in Africa Research Team (HART) at the North-West University (NWU), South Africa. Carina has published more than 80 peer-reviewed papers and acted as post-graduate study supervisor to more than 20 Masters and Ph.D students. On two occasions her students received the Vice-Chancellor’s medal for most outstanding master’s degree student in the Faculty of Health Sciences. As of 2022 she holds a C2-rating from the National Research Foundation, indicating that she is an established researcher.

Brian Herbert Harvey

My interests are in behavioural neuroscience and neuro- and psychopharmacology, with a special interest in anxiety and stress related disorders, including depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and schizophrenia. My research focuses on mechanisms of synaptic and cellular signalling, and especially their relevance in the pathology and pharmacology of stress-related disorders.

Anne Frederica Grobler

Anne Grobler is a South African citizen with a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics (North-West University, South Africa), an M.Sc. in Medical Biochemistry (Stellenbosch University, South Africa) and an Honours in Biochemistry (PU for CHE, South Africa).

Her research interests are the design, construction and optimization of delivery and transporter technologies for active pharmaceutical in conjunction with the preclinical and clinical evaluation of such technologies. This interest includes the delivery and transport of bio-agricultural molecules and compounds.

David Dago N'Da

David Dago N’Da, BSc, BSc (Hons), MSc (University of Abidjan, Ivory Coast), MSc, PhD (University of the Witwatersrand) is doctor of Medicinal Chemistry in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the NWU.  He is a medicinal chemist who specialises in the chemistry of antimalarial drugs, whilst his research focuses on the rational design and synthesis of new compounds with potential antimalarial activity.  He has supervised a large number of post-graduate students and has several PhD and MSc students currently under his supervision.  He is the author/co-author