Uitvoerende dekaan gaan waarnemende regter in die Hoë Hof wees
Om as regter aangestel te word, is die toppunt van prestasie vir enige regskundige, en die hoogste erkenning van ’n persoon se vermoë en verbintenis tot geregtigheid. Om as regter in die hoër howe van die land te dien, is ’n gesogte eer wat deur die meeste mense in die regsgemeenskap nagestreef word.
Dr Neo Morei, die uitvoerende dekaan van die Fakulteit Regte by die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU), het hierdie gesogte aanstelling as ’n waarnemende regter van mnr Ronald Lamola, die voormalige Minister van Justisie en Korrektiewe Dienste, ontvang. Sy sal hierdie rol vanaf 4 November… Read more
Student Counselling and Development is passionate about student well-being
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
By Keaoleboga Motshabi and Phenyo Mokgothu
The Student Counselling and Development (SCD) department at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus took proactive steps to connect with students through a meet-and-greet programme held on 12 March 2024.
The meet-and-greet provided an opportunity for…
Public lecture sheds light on Afrocentricity
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
The North-West University’s Indigenous Language Media in Africa (ILMA) research niche area hosted a hybrid public lecture featuring Prof Molefi Kete Asante, a prominent figure in African American scholarship, on 19 March 2024.
The title of the lecture was “Afrocentricity, communication, and culture: Building a common history".
Enhancing animal health through collaborative effort
deur Mafumane Tlhapi
The subject group Animal Health at the North-West University (NWU) and North West Veterinary Services will be collaborating to enhance animal health initiatives.
Under the supervision of Prof Mulunda Mwanza, the objective of this collaboration is to train animal health technicians in advanced disease detection and eradication processes…
UNICEF club champions obesity and mental health awareness
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
The UNICEF club at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus has taken proactive steps to address pressing health issues by hosting a programme focused on combatting obesity and promoting mental health awareness among students.
UNICEF stands for the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, now officially the…
Bingo brings joy to the elderly
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
In a heart-warming initiative aimed at fostering community engagement and supporting the elderly, the office of the deputy vice-chancellor for community engagement and Mahikeng Campus operations at the North-West University (NWU) recently reached out to the Rotarus Home for Senior Citizens in Mahikeng.
Led by deputy vice-chancellor Prof…
Animal Health partners with industry leaders to uphold meat safety standards
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
The North-West University’s (NWU’s) subject group Animal Health has joined forces with International Meat Quality Assurance Services (IMQAS) and MAZTECH Consulting and Skills Development to offer an extensive meat inspection short course.
This initiative aims to equip Animal Health students with the essential skills required for the…
Celebrating Social Work Month
deur Mafumane Tlhapi
As we commemorate Social Worker Month in March, Prof Retha Bloem, a research director at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) research focus area Community Psychosocial Research (COMPRES) acknowledges the significant influence and unwavering commitment of social workers globally.
She says research played a crucial role in advancing the…
Academic analyses the North West State of Province Address
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
A recent analysis by Dr Lindikaya W Myeki from the subject group Agricultural Economics and Extension at the North-West University (NWU) delved into the North West State of Province Address (NWSOPA), with a particular focus on food security issues.
The NWSOPA took place on 20 February 2024, and was presided over by acting premier…
Seminar explores President Gerald R Ford's pragmatic morality approach towards SA during apartheid
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
The North-West University’s (NWU’s) subject group History recently hosted a thought-provoking seminar titled "A pragmatic morality: Gerald R Ford and US relations with apartheid South Africa during the mid-1970s".
The event featured keynote speaker Dr Eddie Michel, a distinguished research fellow from the University of Pretoria's…
Inaugural lecture explores mathematics' role in modern theory
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
Prof Thekiso Seretlo, a mathematics professor at the North-West University (NWU), delivered a captivating inaugural lecture on 13 March 2024, at the NWU’s Mahikeng Campus.
The lecture, titled "The role of finite simple groups in Clifford-Fischer Theory: group generations, codes and designs", shed light on the significance of finite…