Sport News

How six days in Potchefstroom saved Australia

By Bertie Jacobs

Our dreaded enemy, our mortal foes. The Australian cricket team elicits a special kind of response from South Africans (and every other test-playing nation), most notably in the form of vitriol and expressions not fit for the printed or digital page. Battles between our respective bests, especially in the red ball…

Lee-Anne Diab - Improving athletes’ recovery through science

North-West University (NWU) alumna Lee-Anne Diab has turned her passion for sports into a successful career. The sporting fanatic is currently the first female sports scientist in rugby at The Blue Bulls Company, and one of the first women consulting for national and international sporting codes.

She is also the chief executive…

Club player Kazlo boasts with 50 games for the first team

Taking the field in 50 games for your rugby club’s first team is definitely an exceptional achievement. Kazlo Holtzhauzen of the rugby club of the North-West University (NWU) in Vanderbijlpark – the NWU Vaal Rugby Club – achieved this honour earlier this year.

The 27-year-old Kazlo not only shines as player for the club, but also as…

Ilze goes all out to follow her sports dream

Ilze du Plessis believes that your attitude determines whether your path through life is going to be thorny or strewn with rose petals. And if you look at the long list of accomplishments this 18-year-old first-year student at the Vanderbijlpark Campus of the North-West University (NWU) has achieved on the sports field, it is clear that she is…

NWU hosts virtual golf day

Dust off those golf clubs that have been sitting in the garage for the past four months – the North-West University (NWU) is hosting a virtual golf day.

The NWU Virtual Golf Day will be held on 18 July and will be open to all staff, students and members of the public.

To participate, register yourself on Wufoo (https://…

Impact of Covid-19 on elite sports people

It is safe to say that everyone’s life has been influenced in some way or another by the stringent Covid-19 lockdown regulations. This includes the professional people who on a daily basis entertain us in the sports stadia – our sports people.

Over the past 10 weeks, Prof Pieter Kruger, director of the North-West University’s…

NWU’s Avuyile is flexing his muscles like childhood-hero Arnie

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Avuyile Ndzimela is living his dream of being a top bodybuilder, and in the process he is paying homage to his childhood hero, Arnold Schwarzenegger, in more ways than one.

Like his idol, the 21-year-old BA student in Public Administration and Governance at the Vanderbijlpark Campus not only shines in…

Covid-19 pandemic places goalpost dreams on ice for now

Like for so many sports people the Covid-19 pandemic has called a halt to the rugby dreams of the 20-year-old Hugo Scott of the North-West University (NWU). This crack scrum half of the first rugby team on the Vanderbijlpark Campus was, among other things, looking forward to representing the campus in the company of his older brother, Hardus (23…

NWU hosts virtual run and cycle challenge

The North-West University (NWU) is calling on all running and cycling enthusiasts to take part in its bigger and better online sporting challenges.

On 20 June the NWU will host the second Virtual Fun Run/Walk and on 21 June the Virtual Cycle challenge for students, staff and members of the public.

“After the 5 km fun run that…

NWU Soccer Institute alumnus extends contract with SuperSport FC

Former North-West University (NWU) Soccer Institute goalkeeper Boalefa Pule has signed a contract extension with SuperSport United FC until 2023.

The NWU Diploma of Sports Science graduate has been with the club since 2011.

Boalefa is better remembered for his heroics in helping the Tshwane giants to clinch the Nedbank Cup…