
Uitvoerende dekaan gaan waarnemende regter in die Hoë Hof wees

Om as regter aangestel te word, is die toppunt van prestasie vir enige regskundige, en die hoogste erkenning van ’n persoon se vermoë en verbintenis tot geregtigheid.  Om as regter in die hoër howe van die land te dien, is ’n gesogte eer wat deur die meeste mense in die regsgemeenskap nagestreef word.   

Dr Neo Morei, die uitvoerende dekaan van die Fakulteit Regte by die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU), het hierdie gesogte aanstelling as ’n waarnemende regter van mnr Ronald Lamola, die voormalige Minister van Justisie en Korrektiewe Dienste, ontvang. Sy sal hierdie rol vanaf 4 November… Read more

Master’s student is the best teacher in the district

by Oscar Mosiane

In the words of American inspirational author William Arthur Ward, "Teaching is more than imparting knowledge; it is inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts; it is acquiring understanding."

This quote deeply resonates with Tumelo Malebelela, deputy principal at Molelwane Secondary School in Mahikeng, who was born and…

PhD student selected for young scientists female programme in Japan

deur Phenyo Mokgothu

North-West University (NWU) PhD student Sinenhlanhla Mthembu has been chosen to participate in the Young Scientists Female Programme from 1 to 30 October 2024 at Okayama University in Japan.

This programme is a collaborative initiative between the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and Japan's research exchange…

South African Nursing Council conducts re-accreditation visit

deur Mafumane Tlhapi

The South African Nursing Council (SANC) recently visited the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus to conduct a re-accreditation review of the university's nursing programme, which was initiated in 2020.

Dr Rorisang Machailo, deputy director of the School of Nursing, explained that the visit was part of the SANC's ongoing…

Academic inducted as fellow of Nigerian Academy of Letters

deur Phenyo Mokgothu

Prof Abiodun Salawu, an academic at the North-West University (NWU) and the director of the Indigenous Language Media in Africa (ILMA) research niche area, has been inducted as a fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Letters (NAL) during the academy’s annual convocation ceremony on 8 August 2024.

The Nigerian Academy of Letters, founded in…

Alumnus unpacks academic entrepreneurship

deur Phenyo Mokgothu

The Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences at the North-West University (NWU) hosted its third Food Security and Safety (FSS) seminar on 8 August 2024.

NWU alumnus and CEO of Eco-Agro Enterprise Pty Ltd Dr Sydwell Sihlangu was the guest speaker.

Dr Sihlangu spoke about academic entrepreneurship, which he described as a…

Lucky Letwaba set to shine in 2024 Varsity Football Tournament

deur Phenyo Mokgothu

With a spot on the NWU first team, first-year North-West University (NWU) student Lucky Letwaba is gearing up to make a significant impact in the 2024 Varsity Football tournament.

He will be following in the footsteps of star player Heaven Sereetsi, who caught the eye of Premier Soccer League team Cape Town City in 2023.


Renowned Kenyan author and scholar to deliver public lecture

deur Phenyo Mokgothu

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Indigenous Language Media in Africa (ILMA) research niche area will be hosting renowned Kenyan author and scholar, Prof Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, who will deliver a public lecture on 15 August 2024.

During the lecture, titled "The Joycean Paradox revisited: Language empires and literary identity theft", Prof…

Berlina continues to reach for the stars

by Oscar Mosiane

Poet Chitra Rao once described life as a long-distance journey that begins with a single step. For Berlina Lekgethwane, it all started at the North-West University (NWU) when she acquired her bachelor's degree in communication in 2008 and her honours degree in social science psychology in 2009.

Berlina continues to juggle being a wife,…

Occupational hygiene students visit industry partners

deur Mafumane Tlhapi

Fourth-year occupational hygiene students and staff from the Faculty of Health Sciences at the North-West University (NWU) recently visited two industry partners, enriching their educational experience with real-world insights.

Prof Anja Franken from the subject group Occupational Hygiene says their first stop was at Aquatico Scientific…

Competition Commission to deliver public lecture

deur Phenyo Mokgothu

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Law will host a significant hybrid public lecture on 15 August 2024, featuring the Competition Commission.

The event – themed “25 Years of Competition Law Enforcement in South Africa” – will take place at the Mahikeng Campus and will focus on the commission’s role and achievements over the…