Uitvoerende dekaan gaan waarnemende regter in die Hoë Hof wees
Om as regter aangestel te word, is die toppunt van prestasie vir enige regskundige, en die hoogste erkenning van ’n persoon se vermoë en verbintenis tot geregtigheid. Om as regter in die hoër howe van die land te dien, is ’n gesogte eer wat deur die meeste mense in die regsgemeenskap nagestreef word.
Dr Neo Morei, die uitvoerende dekaan van die Fakulteit Regte by die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU), het hierdie gesogte aanstelling as ’n waarnemende regter van mnr Ronald Lamola, die voormalige Minister van Justisie en Korrektiewe Dienste, ontvang. Sy sal hierdie rol vanaf 4 November… Read more
Athletes shine at IFBB South African National Championships
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
Ten athletes from the North-West University's (NWU) Mahikeng Campus bodybuilding team competed in the South African International Fitness and Bodybuilding Federation (IFBB) Championships from 1 to 3 August 2024 in KwaZulu-Natal.
The championships saw impressive performances from the NWU athletes, with six out of the 10 participants…
Crucial win against UWC boosts morale
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
The North-West University (NWU) football team scored a crucial win in the second round of Varsity Football, defeating the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in an away game.
Displaying confidence and bravery, the NWU secured the victory through Momelezi Mngati, who scored the only goal of the match. Coach Nkululeko Malgas says this…
Chess champs shine on International Chess Day
By Bonolo Monaisa
On International Chess Day – annually celebrated on 20 July, students from the North-West University (NWU) made a remarkable impression at a chess tournament hosted by the Chess Powerhouse in Sandton.
Demonstrating exceptional skill and strategic prowess, Innocent Phahlaa and Neo…
Khayelitsha residence discussions target mental health and wellbeing
By Bonolo Monaisa
In honour of Nelson Mandela’s legacy, students at Khayelitsha residence at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus hosted a mental health awareness panel discussion for Mandela Month on 25 July 2024.
The event, organised by student leaders, aimed to help reduce the stigma…
Bodybuilding team to compete in South African IFBB Championships
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
Ten athletes from the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus bodybuilding team will compete in the South African International Fitness and Bodybuilding Federation (IFBB) Championships from 1 to 3 August 2024 in KwaZulu-Natal.
This event is the flagship bodybuilding competition of the year in South Africa, and athletes were…
Cannabis production debated as a socio-economic driver for indigenous communities
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
Cannabis production is a hot topic in South Africa, with many considering it a potential resource for driving sustainable development in various communities.
Kamogelo Noge, a master's student in indigenous knowledge systems at the North-West University (NWU), is focusing on how cannabis can enhance social and economic development,…
How brown seaweed and spent oyster mushroom substrates could be used as chicken feed
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
One of the greatest challenges facing Africa is food security. Dr Godfrey Mhlongo, a recent PhD graduate in animal science from the North-West University (NWU), believes indigenous chickens, brown seaweed and oyster mushroom spawn could help feed the continent and preserve the environment.
He has conducted research on the use of oyster…
NWUFM presenter nominated for radio presenter of the year
By Bonolo Monaisa
Mogomotsi Ntehelang, afternoon drive show presenter at NWUFM, the radio station on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus, has been nominated for the North West Media Awards in the Radio Presenter of the Year category.
The awards, now in its sixth year, continue to grow,…
Football team aims to rebound in next Varsity Football clash
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
The North-West University (NWU) is gearing up to face the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in Cape Town on 1 August, following a 3-1 loss to the University of the Free State (UFS) in their first Varsity Football game.
Coach Nkululeko Malgas acknowledges the challenges ahead but emphasises the need to bounce back to stay in…
Faculty of Law gives back
By Bonolo Monaisa
The Faculty of Law at the North-West University (NWU) has been running its Clothing Project for five consecutive years, demonstrating a sustained commitment to community service and social responsibility.
Coordinated by Simon Rasikhalela, director of the Mahikeng Law Clinic, this…