Economic and Management Sciences News

Low borrowing costs are important for business and consumer confidence

The decision by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) to keep interest rates unchanged again was in line with market expectations and similar to its approach at its previous meeting in May 2021.

Prof Raymond Parsons, an economist from the Business School of the North-West…

Bridging the digital divide

With the global community having moved into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Dr Kaizer Ndlovu from the North-West University (NWU) believes that there is a plethora of benefits that come with bridging the digital divide.

Dr Ndlovu currently teaches technology management in the NWU’s MBA programme, and says he is excited about…

NWU’s prospective chartered accountants shine

Despite the many challenges that students had to face during the Covid-19 pandemic, the prospective chartered accountants at the North-West University (NWU) did exceptionally well in their ITC (Initial Test of Competence).

The results from the South African Institute of Chartered…

Violence must be contained quickly

What is at stake for the South African economy if law and order is not restored soon, was starkly confirmed by President Cyril Ramaphosa in his address on 12 July.

Prof Raymond Parsons, economist from the Business School of the North-West University (NWU), says the current cycle…

A look at SA’s Constitution

For many years the South African Constitution was seen as one of the best-written constitutions and examples of constitutionalism on the African continent.

Prof Koos Malan from the University of Pretoria’s Department of Public Law has challenged this assumption in his book titled: There is no Supreme Constitution – a critique…

Government had limited options in moving to Level 4 lockdown restrictions

“The broad realities faced by President Cyril Ramaphosa in seeking to strike the right balance between lives and livelihoods to cope with the current serious third wave of Covid-19 and its delta variant should be recognised.”

In commenting on the moving of South Africa to Level 4…

What the partial independence of the Transnet National Ports Authority means

President Cyril Ramaphosa, together with Minister of Public Enterprises Pravin Gordhan and Minister of Transport Fikile Mbalula, announced on 22 June 2021 the establishment of the National Ports Authority as an independent, wholly-owned subsidiary of Transnet in terms of the National Ports Act, 12 of 2005.

North-West University…

Keeping the lights on

As a strategy to deal with the electricity supply crisis in South Africa, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on 10 June 2021 that the limit for self-generation of electricity is being moved from 1MW to 100MW. This policy change will allow the private sector to sell excess capacity into the grid, which is expected to take pressure off Eskom.…

Study shows 45% of young graduates consider themselves to be underemployed

After years of the proverbial blood, sweat and tears that go into studying, most graduates cannot wait to start their careers. With unemployment in South Africa as high as it is currently, getting your dream job is not always guaranteed. While many qualified graduates are able to find employment, some end up underemployed. Dr Precious Mncayi, a…

Liberal energy supply approach is good for investment

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement on 10 June about new rules of engagement on the energy front in South Africa is good for investment sentiment.

Prof Raymond Parsons, an economist from the Business School of the North-West University, says the more liberal approach to…