Economic and Management Sciences News

Sexism and sexual harassment are major challenges for women entrepreneurs

Although entrepreneurship has its own challenges, women face additional obstacles that are unique to them. On paper South Africa has some great opportunities for female entrepreneurs, but in reality numerous economic, social and cultural obstacles affect women and their businesses.

According to a study conducted by Refiloe Moetsi, a…

NWU student walks away with prestigious Mandela Rhodes Scholarship

North-West University (NWU) student Nadia Van der Merwe is beaming with pride. The 22-year-old third-year student, who is studying towards a BSocSc degree in psychology and anthropology, recently scooped the coveted Mandela Rhodes Scholarship. 

The scholarship offers young leaders…

Latest rankings highlight NWU’s quality subjects

​The North-West University (NWU) is one of the best tertiary education institutions for education towards a professional career. This has been reconfirmed by the latest rankings by the Times Higher Education (THE) World Rankings, which place the NWU among the top local universities.

THE’s 2022 rankings that were released on 13 October…

NWU academics weighs in on cannabis master plan implementation

On 28 September 2021 North West MEC Desbo Mohono hosted a webinar on how the national Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development’s cannabis master plan could be implemented in the province.

The department recently presented the cannabis master plan to parliament,…

Low level of borrowing costs continues to promote economic stability

The decision by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) to leave the repo rate unchanged for the fourth consecutive time last week was widely expected and in line with market expectations.

Prof Raymond Parsons, an economist from the Business School of the North-West University (NWU…

Flexibility and staying positive are key to boosting tourism

A North-West University (NWU) academic at the School of Tourism Management is calling for fresh and innovative thinking to boost the local tourism sector, which has declined by almost 80% since 2019.

Prof Peet van der Merwe says there has recently been a slight increase in international visitors to South Africa, but nowhere near the…

Move to Adjusted Level 2 is positive, but economy not yet out of the woods

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement on moving South Africa to Adjusted Level 2 of the lockdown is positive for the economy, whose prospects still need further reinforcement and confidence building.

Prof Raymond Parsons, economist from the Business School of the North-West…

South Africa needs to build on widening the current economic recovery

The better news about South Africa’s growth performance in the second quarter of 2021 is welcome. It suggests a slow but steady recovery from the shocks experienced as a result of the further lockdowns and civil unrest that occurred earlier in the year.

Prof Raymond Parsons,…

Unemployment is now the “cruellest tax” on a vulnerable population

A new record high (34,4%) in the South African unemployment rate in the second quarter of 2021 confirms the destructive impact that the Delta variant of the coronavirus and the accompanying lockdown restrictions have had on the economy and the labour market.

Prof Raymond Parsons…

Reshuffled cabinet is an important step in the right direction

“The announcement by President Cyril Ramaphosa of a reshuffled cabinet on 5 August is a long-awaited important step in the right direction to help rebuild business confidence at a time when it has been badly shaken by recent events in South Africa.”

Prof Raymond Parsons, an…