Community News

NWU’s Setswana students celebrate heritage month

By Ontiretse Motingwa

Fourth-year Setswana students on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus celebrated Heritage Day by embracing the Setswana language as future Setswana educators.

The celebration aimed to remind students of their heritage, to encourage them to learn more about other…

NWU and France strengthen ties

On, Wednesday, 28 September 2022, the NWU chancellor Dr Anna Mokgokong and NWU principal and vice- chancellor, Dr Bismark Tyobeka, met with the French ambassador.

The delegation was led by Mr Aurelien Lechevallier, French ambassador and Ms Nelly Hazelbrouck, general secretary  for Cooperation and Cultural Affairs at the French Embassy…

NWU’s Mahikeng Campus launches One Button Studio, Podcast Studio and Makerspace

Ontiretse Motingwa and Nolwazi Xulu

The Centre of Teaching and Learning (CTL) on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus recently invited students from all faculties to a three-day launch of the One Button Studio, Podcast Studio, and Makerspace at the campus library.

The One Button Studio…

NWU's solar car wins Structural Design Award in Sasol Solar Challenge 2022

Naledi 2.0, the North-West University’s (NWU’s) solar car won the Structural Design Award presented by Euro Steel during this year’s 2022 Sasol Solar Challenge. 

The challenge took place from 9 to 16 September, covering an estimated distance of 2 500 km from Johannesburg to the finish line in Cape Town. 

Engineers from around…

Music students depart on exchange programme to Sweden

Four music students from the North-West University (NWU) recently departed for a five-month study trip to Stockholm in Sweden.

This is part of the Linnaeus-Palme Exchange Programme funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), with additional funding from the Hillensberg Trust.

This is the first time…

NWU’s GBV awareness campaign encourages humanity to speak out

Recent crime statistics show that 898 women were killed in South Africa from January to March 2022, and 282 cases of attempted murder against women were reported. During this period 10 818 women reported rapes, of which 4 653 took place at the home of the rape victim or the home of the rapist.

NWU academic shares his thoughts on indigenous mining

North-West University (NWU) academic Otsile Maditsi says indigenous mining has a space to influence conventional mining.

“Indigenous mining is one of the 16 disciplines identified under the Indigenous Knowledge Act no 6 of 2019 as an early scientific method by indigenous communities of South Africa,” he says.

The technology and…

NWU plays its part in rolling out 6BRICKS® initiative

By Ontiretse Motingwa

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Educational Psychology subject group, together with the North West Department of Education, recently reached out to Retlametswe Special School in Mahikeng to empower teachers to better support their learners.

This project forms part of the…

NWU makes young ones dance

By Ontiretse Motingwa

Young learners from Stadt Primary will soon be singing and dancing to the music coming from boombox speakers the North-West University (NWU) has donated.

The NWU always strives to improve the teaching and learning environment for learners. In line with this commitment, staff members…

Continuation of interest-rate-raising cycle was inevitable

The statement by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) on 22 September conveyed an understandably hawkish message about the inflation outlook in the economy in the midst of several global and domestic uncertainties.

Prof Raymond Parsons, economist from the Business School of the North-West…