Academic News

There’s more to wind and solar power than electricity

In the past decade, renewable energy sources such as solar and wind have made some inroads in supplying “green” energy to the country’s power grid. To be self-sustainable with the use of renewable electricity, methods of energy storage are required, as solar and wind are naturally fluctuating and not constant sources of energy. This is one of…

Study shows 45% of young graduates consider themselves to be underemployed

After years of the proverbial blood, sweat and tears that go into studying, most graduates cannot wait to start their careers. With unemployment in South Africa as high as it is currently, getting your dream job is not always guaranteed. While many qualified graduates are able to find employment, some end up underemployed. Dr Precious Mncayi, a…

Liberal energy supply approach is good for investment

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement on 10 June about new rules of engagement on the energy front in South Africa is good for investment sentiment.

Prof Raymond Parsons, an economist from the Business School of the North-West University, says the more liberal approach to…

Our own verified expert on

Prof Cornelie Nienaber-Rousseau is considered by Metafact, an online platform with a quest to dig into scientific information to deliver only verified facts to their audience, to be a verified expert. Their mission is to connect people with trusted evidence on questions that impact their lives, societies and the world around them. Cornelie has…

NWU joins in the move for health

Over the years there has been a significant increase in the number of people who suffer from lifestyle diseases. This is mostly due to unhealthy eating, alcohol intake, smoking and a lack of physical activity.

To this end, the Africa Unit for Transdisciplinary Health Research (AUTHeR…

Protecting our children

According to the South African Crimes Statistics, there were 943 murders and 24 000 sexual offences against children from April 2019 until March 2020. Although these statistics are slightly lower than the previous year, the data still leaves a lot to be desired.

In light of national…

NWU colloquium examines terrorism in Africa

With terrorism activities on the rise in Africa, the School of Government Studies at the North-West University (NWU) recently hosted a colloquium on the prospective trajectories of terrorism on the continent.

At the colloquium national and international experts discussed Africa’s…

NWU engineers and biokineticists brainstorm for 2024 Bionic Olympics

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) engineers and biokineticists are preparing to take on universities from around the world in the 2024 International Cybathlon, which will see athletes with physical disabilities competing to complete everyday tasks using state-of-the-art technical assistance systems. 

Cryptocurrencies: dressed for success?

The world of bitcoin appears to be here to stay, despite many forecasts that the ride is going to end at any moment. Over the weekend, Elon Musk argued that in a choice between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies such as the dollar, euro and the yen his preference was for the former. Bitcoin, the…

 New NWU centre for children with developmental delays will focus on the whole family

When children have disabilities or developmental delays, the whole family can be affected. This is why the Care2Kids division of the Centre for Health and Human Performance at the North-West University (NWU) is embracing a family-focused intervention.