Community News

NWU has reached capacity – no walk-in students allowed during registration of first-year students

The North-West University (NWU) will not allow persons who did not qualify for admission, did not receive an offer to study at the NWU or who applied late to enter its campuses to enrol as so-called walk-ins during the registration period for first-year students in 2023.

The NWU has reached full capacity for its 2023 intake, with no…

New book uncovers age inclusive ICT use for service delivery

by the Optentia research unit

A book was recently published under the editorial leadership of researchers from Optentia Research Unit on the Vanderbijlpark Campus. The team lead by Profs. Vera Roos and Jaco Hoffman from the sub-programme Ageing and Generational Dynamics in Africa (AGenDA), included researchers…

NWU staff member is one of the Brightest Young Minds

North-West University (NWU) staff member Mamello Maema has recently been selected as one of the 100 Brightest Young Minds in the World Food Programme (WFP) for Southern Africa.

Mamello says the programme aims to build networks across Africa for young and upcoming leaders from various spheres allowing them to connect, inspire and…

WaterNet symposium a great success

Water is an essential component of life on earth, and without it we cannot survive. However, the sad reality is that we take this resource for granted, and much more should be done to conserve it.

The North-West University (NWU) played its part by being the primary host of the 23rd WaterNet WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposium that took place at Sun…

Parents differ from learners and teachers in their views on corporal punishment in schools

It is clear that something needs to be done about discipline in schools, but reintroducing corporal punishment, even on a limited scale, is probably not the answer.

This is one of the findings of a study by Dr Noorullah Shaikhnag, senior lecturer and deputy director at the School of Psycho-Social Education of the North-West University (…

Researcher points the way to enhancing academic integrity

The academic world can easily be infiltrated by dishonesty and plagiarism, especially in trying times such as the past two years of the Covid-19 pandemic. Good academic practice is essential for lecturers and students. 

Prof Anné Verhoef, director of the School of Philosophy at the North-West University (NWU), is an avid campaigner for…

Bank failures in Zimbabwe are due to poor regulatory supervision

The rampant failure of banks in Zimbabwe in the past 20 years has now been explained: a major reason is inadequate supervision of banking institutions by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) and other regulatory bodies.

This is according to the doctoral study of Menelisi Ncube, who recently graduated from the North-West University (NWU)…

South Africa’s water mavericks

Together they are known as the water mavericks: Prof Carlos Bezuidenhout and Prof Henk Bouwman from the North-West University (NWU) have a wealth of experience between them and have amassed acclaimed recognition for their water-related research in their respective fields.

Last year their work was honoured when they were awarded the 2021…

NWU Business School appoints new chief director

A new chief director has joined the Business School of the North-West University (NWU). Dr Joseph Sekhampu, an executive in private higher education, will take the reins on 17 January 2023.

Dr Sekhampu boasts managerial expertise that includes being executive head of commerce and management (from August 2022), chief operating officer (…

16 Days of Activism: GBV belongs in the past

From 25 November to 10 December we as South Africans took hands with the rest of the world to take part in the United Nations’ 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children Campaign. The campaign, which is held annually, commenced on the International Day of No Violence Against Women and will end on International Human Rights…