
Uitvoerende dekaan gaan waarnemende regter in die Hoë Hof wees

Om as regter aangestel te word, is die toppunt van prestasie vir enige regskundige, en die hoogste erkenning van ’n persoon se vermoë en verbintenis tot geregtigheid.  Om as regter in die hoër howe van die land te dien, is ’n gesogte eer wat deur die meeste mense in die regsgemeenskap nagestreef word.   

Dr Neo Morei, die uitvoerende dekaan van die Fakulteit Regte by die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU), het hierdie gesogte aanstelling as ’n waarnemende regter van mnr Ronald Lamola, die voormalige Minister van Justisie en Korrektiewe Dienste, ontvang. Sy sal hierdie rol vanaf 4 November… Read more

NWU raises awareness of diabetes, obesity and hypertension risks

deur Mafumane Tlhapi

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Obesity and Metabolic Disease research group, led by Prof Sithandiwe Mazibuko-Mbeje from the subject group Biochemistry, together with the Lifestyle Diseases research focus are, led by Prof Ushotanefe Useh from the Faculty of Health Sciences, recently organised a diabetes awareness drive.

With the…

Student Life takes time out for team-building

by Oscar Mosiane

Indigenous games, songs and riddles brought new meaning to the phrase “team spirit” when the Student Life department on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus held its second team-building session.

“Games are the glue that can connect people,” said Khumo Feni from the Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) Centre, and one of…

How healthy lifestyles can address type 2 diabetes

deur Phenyo Mokgothu

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is on the rise in South Africa and the North-West University (NWU) is responding by raising awareness of the importance of healthy lifestyles.

The prevalence of this condition has increased in recent years due to diets rich in processed food, sugary drinks, a lack of exercise and obesity.

According to the…

Empowerment Foundations unite for educational upliftment

deur Mafumane Tlhapi

In a commendable effort to address social issues and uplift the standard of living in the Barolong Boo Mariba communities, the School of Philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities at the North-West University (NWU) has partnered with the Tswelelopele Empowerment Foundation.

This collaboration is focused on engaging with seven local…

Gaabo Motho Foundation and NWU unite for community growth

deur Mafumane Tlhapi

The School of Social Sciences and the School of Philosophy at the North-West University (NWU), represented by lecturers Kagiso Phake, Germinah Motshegwa and Amantle Mothelesi, participated in a community engagement event organised by the Gaabo Motho Foundation in Zeerust.

The event aimed to promote the NWU, highlighting the academic…

Better support for psychiatric nurses means better mental health care for children

deur Phenyo Mokgothu

Improvements in the North West province’s support systems for psychiatric nurses would directly impact the quality of care for children with mental health issues.

This is one of the findings of a recent study led by Dr Rorisang Machailo, an academic at the School of Nursing at the North-West University (NWU). She focused on developing…

Replacing antibiotics in chicken feed with fulvic acid could satisfy farmers and consumers

by Oscar Mosiane

Chicken farmers in underprivileged communities are battling to contain feed costs while meeting growing consumer demand. An NWU master’s student has been exploring a potentially win-win solution.

Keamogetswe Constance Mokubung recently earned her master's degree in animal science under the guidance of Prof Upenyu Marume. Her research…

NWU awards honorary doctorate to Peter Chiepe for contributions to agriculture

deur Phenyo Mokgothu

The North-West University (NWU) conferred an honorary doctorate in agriculture on Peter Monametsi Chiepe during its Spring graduation ceremony on 3 October 2024. An earth scientist, businessman, social entrepreneur and farmer from Botswana, Chiepe was recognised for his contributions to agriculture, particularly in sustainable farming practices…

NWU Soccer Institute produces first PhD graduate

deur Phenyo Mokgothu

The North-West University's (NWU) Soccer Institute marked an important milestone on 3 October 2024 as it celebrated its first PhD graduate. The recipient, Mr Vuyolwethu Sambo, is both a former player and the current manager of the institute. His achievement highlights the institute’s dedication to developing not only soccer talent but also well…

Community Engagement Showcase marks 20 years of impactful projects

deur Mafumane Tlhapi

The North-West University (NWU) held a Community Engagement Showcase on 30 September 2024 on the Mahikeng Campus to celebrate the impact projects that have been implemented in the NWU’s 20 years of existence.

Highlighting the NWU’s commitment to apply academic knowledge to address community needs, the event showcased the various…