Uitvoerende dekaan gaan waarnemende regter in die Hoë Hof wees
Om as regter aangestel te word, is die toppunt van prestasie vir enige regskundige, en die hoogste erkenning van ’n persoon se vermoë en verbintenis tot geregtigheid. Om as regter in die hoër howe van die land te dien, is ’n gesogte eer wat deur die meeste mense in die regsgemeenskap nagestreef word.
Dr Neo Morei, die uitvoerende dekaan van die Fakulteit Regte by die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU), het hierdie gesogte aanstelling as ’n waarnemende regter van mnr Ronald Lamola, die voormalige Minister van Justisie en Korrektiewe Dienste, ontvang. Sy sal hierdie rol vanaf 4 November… Read more
Academic chosen for International Visiting Scholar programme
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
Dr Ankit Katrodia, a senior lecturer in the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, has been selected for the 2023 International Visiting Scholar Programme at the Shanghai Open University (SOU).
The programme is designed to facilitate collaborative research in the domains of economic and social…
Nigeria is facing an impending implosion
deur Bertie Jacobs
Contrary to the general belief that Nigeria is the giant of Africa, incessant violence and armed conflicts have drastically reduced the influence of Nigeria on the continent. Despite its huge resources, the country still suffers from poverty, inequality, unemployment, insecurity, corruption, high fuel and commodity prices, and other political and…
Student Life hosts first annual arts award ceremony
by Menziwa Msibi
Student Life on the Mahikeng Campus of the North West University (NWU) hosted the first Annual Arts Award ceremony at the Mocoseng Sundown’s Resort on 30 September 2023.
Charmaine Molosioa from the Arts Office of the NWU said the purpose of the award ceremony was to recognise the…
Dance Extravaganza showcases dance team’s fancy footwork
by Menziwa Msibi
The ballroom and Latin dance team on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus recently hosted their fourth annual Dance Extravaganza.
The main aim of the event was to raise awareness about the availability of dance as a sport at the NWU, showcasing the different styles of…
Community engagement is his passion
deur Mafumane Tlhapi
Prof Aaron Tshidzumba, deputy dean for community engagement, business development and stakeholder relations in the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Humanities, has made substantial contributions to his field of expertise and the growth of the university.
As an associate professor, he teaches broadcasting, journalism, and…
Understanding the impact of family structure on street children
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
A recent study conducted by Dr Karabo Mohapanele, a PhD graduate in sociology from the North-West University (NWU), sheds light on the crucial role of families in influencing children's behaviour and shaping their lives, and on how family dynamics and structure play a significant role in the emergence of street children in North West.
Inaugural lecture examines the vital role of indigenous knowledge
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
In his inaugural lecture on 14 September, North-West University (NWU) academic Prof Adeyemi Oladapo Aremu shed light on the significance of indigenous knowledge and its role in medicine.
He delivered his lecture titled "Indigenous knowledge: Connecting plants, people, and everything in between" on the Mahikeng Campus.
Prof Aremu…
National Heritage Council Recognises alumnus
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
Dr Monicca Bhuda, an alumnus of the North-West University (NWU) and a lecturer at the University of Mpumalanga, has been bestowed with the 2023 Voice of Heritage award at the National Heritage Council of South Africa’s (NHC’s). 10th annual Golden Shield Heritage Awards.
These awards honour heritage champions and recognise their…
Legalisation of marijuana: A continuing debate
deur Phenyo Mokgothu
North-West University (NWU) academic Prof Leepile Sehularo addressed the contentious issue of marijuana legalisation in South Africa during his inaugural lecture on 20 September 2023.
Under the theme "Legalisation of marijuana: The debate continues," Prof Sehularo provided a thorough examination of the profound implications of the…
School of Nursing supports nursing education in South Africa
deur Mafumane Tlhapi
The North-West University's (NWU’s) School of Nursing recently hosted the quarterly meeting of the Forum for University Nursing Deans of South Africa (FUNDISA).
FUNDISA, a registered non-profit organisation, acts as the national representative for nursing and midwifery undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in higher education across…