
Julia Blitz

Julia Blitz is a registered Family Physician who has a PhD in Health Professions Education (HPE) from Stellenbosch University. While now retired from full-time work, she continues to work with some South African medical schools (including NWU) as they develop or renew their medical programmes.

She was awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of General Practitioners (UK) in recognition of her “major contribution internationally to both undergraduate education and postgraduate training in the context of Family Medicine”.

Dr Xander Flemming

Dr Xander Flemming is a lecturer and researcher at the Africa Unit for Transdisciplinary Health Research (AUTHeR). After obtaining a master’s degree in counselling psychology, he gained over 12 years of experience in community settings. He managed and implemented mental health and psycho-social well-being programs and sexual health and HIV/STI prevention programs for marginalised groups in resource-limited settings in South Africa. He has worked at a national level and across various sectors, including public health, health promotion, the NGO/CBO sector and corporate social investment.

Johan Potgieter

I have specialized in the field of strengths-based psychology for a number of years. My research interest is in the facilitation of resilience, and in successful adaptation to / optimal performance within any context that poses challenges in terms of the maintenance of one’s psychological well-being.

Alta Schutte

Alta (Aletta E.) Schutte is Professor of Physiology, and funded by the Department of Science and Technology as the South African Research Chair (SARChI) in the Early Detection and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in South Africa – hosted by the Hypertension in Africa Research Team (HART) at the North-West University. She is also the Unit Director of Medical Research Council Extramural Unit for Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease.

Alida Glaudina Herbst

Professor Alida Herbst is a registered social worker and currently Director of the School of Psychosocial Health. She practised for 13 years as medical social worker in 1 Military and the MediClinic Heart and Kloof hospitals where she gained expertise in the fields of narrative, trauma, grief and bereavement counselling; the psychosocial adjustment of patients with cancer, heart disease and other chronic illnesses; support to the families of such patients and the self-care of caregivers.

David Dago N'Da

David Dago N’Da, BSc, BSc (Hons), MSc (University of Abidjan, Ivory Coast), MSc, PhD (University of the Witwatersrand) is doctor of Medicinal Chemistry in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the NWU.  He is a medicinal chemist who specialises in the chemistry of antimalarial drugs, whilst his research focuses on the rational design and synthesis of new compounds with potential antimalarial activity.  He has supervised a large number of post-graduate students and has several PhD and MSc students currently under his supervision.  He is the author/co-author