
Cyberattacks likely to increase as connectivity grows

Cyberattacks are occurring thick and fast as the world becomes more connected and the rewards greater.
According to a North-West University (NWU) academic, the possible rewards for cyberattackers will continue to increase, as more aspects of our everyday lives become interwoven and reliant on online interaction.

Prof Wian Erlank from the Faculty of Law says he keeps a watch on cybersecurity developments to understand how these affect other areas of law on which he conducts research.

Submitted on Tue, 03/29/2022 - 11:14

Conserving African biodiversity through genomics has a food security link

Using genomics to understand and protect the African continent’s biodiversity could improve the resilience of plants, animals and other life forms to climate change, with a knock-on effect on food security, says North-West University (NWU) researcher Dr Roksana Majewska.

She and fellow researchers at the African BioGenome Project (AfricaBP) have undertaken to safeguard and preserve African genomic biodiversity through an Africa-led effort to sequence the genomes of plants, animals, fungi and protists that are endemic to the continent.

Submitted on Mon, 03/28/2022 - 16:24

NWU researchers help map the way forward for hydrogen in South Africa

The Earth is in trouble. It is suffocating under clouds of carbon dioxide emissions from the use of coal and other environmentally damaging resources to generate energy. These emissions are the primary cause of global warming, and if humanity wants to avoid the worst consequences of global warming*, we have to find alternatives for our energy needs.

Submitted on Mon, 03/28/2022 - 14:50

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: what does it hold for South African consumers?

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has sent shockwaves across the globe, causing significant uncertainty in global markets.

Although geographically far removed from these warring countries, the modern era of globalisation and fierce integration of markets through trade and financial flows means that South Africans will possibly feel the effect on their pockets.

Submitted on Mon, 03/28/2022 - 13:26

Anja sets her sights on early detection of kidney disease in young South Africans

The earlier kidney disease is detected, the more effectively it can be treated. Anja Degenaar, a master’s student in physiology at the North-West University (NWU), has set out to identify the biomarkers which will indicate deteriorating kidney function in young South Africans, ensuring early detection and treatment.

“The global prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is becoming an increasing concern, especially since CKD is expected to be the fifth leading cause of mortality by the year 2040,” she says.

Submitted on Mon, 03/28/2022 - 13:19

Influence of supply-side shocks on prices needs appropriate response from monetary policy

“Given the overall balance of economic risks currently facing South Africa, the judgement of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) that a 25 basis-point rise should suffice for now is right, although the tone and language of the MPC statement was distinctly hawkish.”

Submitted on Fri, 03/25/2022 - 12:34

NWU academic elected President of African Astronomical Society

Phenyo Mokgothu

Prof Thebe Rodney Medupe, North-West University (NWU) academic and deputy dean for community engagement and stakeholder relations in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, has been elected as the president of the African Astronomical Society (AfAS).

Prof Medupe was elected during the society’s General Assembly on 18 March 2022, which formed part of AfAS's hybrid conference that took place from 14 to 18 March.

Submitted on Tue, 03/22/2022 - 14:56

Veteran broadcaster advocates all-inclusive campaign for indigenous languages in Africa

Phenyo Mokgothu

It was a convergence of media practitioners, communication scholars, staff and students on the Mahikeng Campus of the North-West University (NWU) as the legengary broadcaster and famous isiXhosa language news anchor, Dr Noxolo Grootboom, delivered a public lecture on indigenous language broadcasting.

This public lecture was hosted in hybrid format by the NWU’s Indigenous Language Media in Africa (ILMA) research entity.

Submitted on Tue, 03/22/2022 - 14:53

NWU and partners launch API Plus lab to grow SA's bio-economy

The North-West University (NWU), in partnership with the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) and the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA), recently launched the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Plus laboratory.

The project, a joint initiative between government, academia and industry, aims to promote the manufacturing of APIs in South Africa and stimulate the growth of the country's bio-economy.

Submitted on Wed, 03/16/2022 - 09:57