Human Interest News

Students speak out on the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship

by  Vukosi Mathale

In the dynamic landscape of innovation and entrepreneurship, students are emerging as a powerful force, armed with fresh perspectives and bold ideas to start new businesses.

Pitching for competitions like Leopards Lair® has become the proving ground for these aspiring young minds.…

ESKOM Science Expo: Nurturing young innovators

The ESKOM Science Expo is a regional contest proudly sponsored by the North-West University's (NWU's) Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences and the Department of Education. The Dr Kenneth Kaunda district municipality recently played home to this year's event, which was held in the Weet and Sweet Hall on the NWU's Potchefstroom Campus.…

Prof Beiter puts academic freedom violations under the spotlight

by  Menziwa Msibi

North-West University (NWU) academic from the Faculty of Law, Prof Klaus Beiter recently presented a talk at the Annual Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI) Network Conference in Bilbao, Spain.

The theme of this year’s conference was “Human rights defenders under siege”.

This is why Cape Town is ruling the tourism roost

Ensuring tourists feel safe – and are safe – plays an integral role in ensuring Cape Town and the Western Cape’s success as a tourist destination. Other cities and regions would be wise to follow Cape Town and the Western Cape’s tourism blueprint. Local governments and tourism authorities should work with the private sector as a thriving tourism…

A generous gesture - clothing donation drive benefits Potchefstroom communities

The Community and Stakeholder Engagement Office of the Student Campus Council (SCC) on the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University (NWU) recently hosted its annual Barefoot Day.

The purpose of this event is to donate clothing and shoes to various projects, schools, children’s homes and non-profit and non-governmental…

New forum up and running to engage communities

The placement of students in community service positions is a top priority for the North-West University’s (NWU’s) newly launched Community Engagement Stakeholders Forum.

“We are very excited about the new forum. The goal is to form reciprocal relationships with our communities and develop a database of stakeholders aligned with the NWU…

Engineers on track to take local innovations to Cybathlon in Switzerland

Zürich 2024, here we come, complete with a state-of-the-art prosthetic leg and wheelchair.

Headed by the formidable North-West University (NWU) team of Prof André Grobler and Ian Thomson from the Faculty of Engineering and Dr Mark Kramer from Health Sciences, the innovators are preparing to take the fruits of their research and designs…

Understanding the impact of family structure on street children

A recent study conducted by Dr Karabo Mohapanele, a PhD graduate in sociology from the North-West University (NWU), sheds light on the crucial role of families in influencing children's behaviour and shaping their lives, and on how family dynamics and structure play a significant role in the emergence of street children in North West.

NWU supports a day of fun and exercise for all ages

Members of the Ikageng community and representatives of the North-West University (NWU) took part in the Ikageng fun run on the overcast Saturday morning of 23 September.

The primary goal of the event was to bring together diverse communities, including people of all races, genders and those who have special needs, to create a welcoming…

Piet Koornhof’s album receives glowing reviews

By Menziwa Msibi

North-West University (NWU) violinist Prof Piet Koornhof’s album with Albie van Schalkwyk on piano – Violin Plus One – recently received a glowing review on MusicWeb International.

Recorded by Delos Productions, the album features various arrangements by Prof Koornhof and Albie for…