Community News

Academic staff members benefit from new induction programme

Professional development takes center stage at the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) at the North-West University (NWU).

This dedication towards excellence and innovation in all teaching and learning activities not only benefit staff and students immensely, but also assists in realising the university’s vision of superior…

Breast is best

Breastmilk is known as a superfood that provides babies with immune-building power and brain-boosting properties. When new moms with premature infants cannot express milk, human milk banks (HMB) come to the rescue.

Researchers at the North-West University (NWU) recently conducted a multi-disciplinary study titled “Stakeholder…

Taking nursing leadership to the next level

Nursing is a career that chooses you, not the other way round. It demands nothing less than passion and selfless, hard work. Fortunately most nurses are an example of this kind of dedication, but research shows that there is an urgent lack of skills development with regard to leadership in this profession.

Her unquestionable…

Research gives a voice to vulnerable children

Childhood sexual abuse is a stark reality in South Africa.

People say they would speak up if they thought a child was being sexually abused; many are certain they would recognise exploitive activities and almost no one believes they would allow abusive behaviour to continue if they knew it was going on. Yet, statistics show that one in three…

NWU pro presents paper at BRICS Young Scientist Forum

North-West University (NWU) PhD candidate and staff member at the Centre for Teaching and Learning, Mr Thamie Ndlovu, presented a paper at the 4th BRICS Young Scientist Forum (YSF) In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Thamie, who is currently pursuing a PhD in information systems and computer sciences, was selected by the Academy of Science…

NWU Law Faculty hosts gala dinner

The North West University’s (NWU) Faculty of Law recently hosted an extravagant gala event in Potchefstroom, with students, staff, alumni and stakeholders celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, among others.

The first of November was truly a night to remember.  Women were draped in beautiful…

Proudly South African media association takes off in Scotland

The University of Edinburgh in Scotland recently hosted the inaugural meeting of the International Association for Minority Language Media Research (IAMLMR), initiated by Prof Abiodun Salawu, Director of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Indigenous Language Media in Africa (ILMA) research entity

Prof Salawu proposed the idea of…

Public lecture examines research integrity and plagiarism

On 11 October 2019, staff members, researchers and students of the North-West University (NWU) came out in numbers to attend the 20th public lecture in the NWU Research and Innovation Seminar Series on the campus in Potchefstroom.

Prof Ida Sabelis, an associate professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit in…

NWU hosts successful press club networking forum

“We want to prepare our students to be business plan writers, job creators and futurists opposed to being merely CV senders. This is, after all, the responsibility of higher education institutions and never has there been a more appropriate time than now to step up and be of service to our country.”

This is according to Prof Dan…

Leopards Lair 2019: Melanie wins big by fighting period poverty

Melanie Pieterse is a young entrepreneur on a mission. As the winner of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Leopards Lair competition, this final-year student in industrial engineering not only impress as a start-up fempreneur, she is also actively supporting fellow entrepreneurs.

All while working towards bettering the lives of…