Community News

Ilze goes all out to follow her sports dream

Ilze du Plessis believes that your attitude determines whether your path through life is going to be thorny or strewn with rose petals. And if you look at the long list of accomplishments this 18-year-old first-year student at the Vanderbijlpark Campus of the North-West University (NWU) has achieved on the sports field, it is clear that she is…

NWU hosts virtual golf day

Dust off those golf clubs that have been sitting in the garage for the past four months – the North-West University (NWU) is hosting a virtual golf day.

The NWU Virtual Golf Day will be held on 18 July and will be open to all staff, students and members of the public.

To participate, register yourself on Wufoo (https://…

TRADE maps out plans for the future

The Trade and Development (TRADE) research entity in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences at the North-West University (NWU) met online to plan the entity’s strategy for the next five years.

Prof Danie Meyer, director of TRADE, says the planning session on 26 June was held to update TRADE’s five-year strategic plan. “The…

Making a difference one chess piece at a time

Daniel Asiwe, a North-West University (NWU) final-year industrial psychology and labour relations student, recently hosted a successful online chess tournament for a great cause.

The chess tournament aimed to create awareness about women and children who do not have the means to purchase sanitary products, and attracted players from…

NWU students lead digitisation in the NGO space

Technology plays a very important role in every organisation and should be accessible to all, allowing them to operate more effectively.

Taking heed of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) mission of implementing an ethic of care and community engagement through innovation, a group of students recently helped the Obakeng Disability…

Insights into debt relief measures for low-income earners

 Debt relief is important in the current credit-driven South African society where consumers live off credit for their day-to-day needs.

North-West University (NWU) LLD candidate and temporary lecturer Phemelo Magau examined debt relief measures for low-income earners during his LLM degree research.

In his dissertation titled…

Young Alumni chapter announces new leadership structure

If strong and dedicated leadership is a requirement for a successful alumni chapter, then the Vaal Alumni Chapter of the North-West University (NWU) is off to a great start.

The chapter recently announced its leadership structure for the 2020/2021 term and it is clear that the elected team of ten alumni is eager to make their impact felt.…

Impact of Covid-19 on elite sports people

It is safe to say that everyone’s life has been influenced in some way or another by the stringent Covid-19 lockdown regulations. This includes the professional people who on a daily basis entertain us in the sports stadia – our sports people.

Over the past 10 weeks, Prof Pieter Kruger, director of the North-West University’s…

NWU hosts Defusing Anxiety webinar for staff

With South Africa having been on lockdown due to Covid-19 for more than 90 days, the North-West University NWU) is calling on all its staff members to attend this online mental health workshop.

The “Defusing Anxiety - Dealing with Covid-19” webinar will help staff cope with the loss of everyday social connections that have left many…

Faculty plays host to Feodor Lynen research fellow

Through its purpose to excel in innovating teaching and learning, and by conducting cutting-edge research, the North-West University (NWU) is a prime academic destination for international scholars.

Most recently, the NWU’s Faculty of Humanities proudly announced that Prof Erhabor Idemudia, a research professor in Clinical…