Community News

A long road ahead, but possible if crucial decisions are made

The Business School of the North-West University (NWU) has embarked on a brand-new online initiative in which current affairs in the South African sphere will be discussed via Zoom by a panel of experts during Covid-19, returning to round-table discussions when allowed. Journalists from various media will be invited to join the online panel…

"The true state of our nation"

“Heavenly vengeance pursues a crime slowly, but nevertheless catches up with it in the end. In matters of debt the penalty is not halting; it pursues the culprit at a gallop.” (Anon)

According to Prof Raymond Parsons, economist at the Business School of the North-West University (NWU), the Supplementary Budget presented by the…

Profs Johnna and Esté: Long will they be remembered

It is with great sadness and immeasurable gratitude that the North-West University says farewell to two exceptional individuals who passed away on 23 June. Profs Johnna Kruger and Esté Vorster played an indelible role in shaping the fabric that binds our institution.

He was a shaper of destinies, guiding students to the path of…

Major data and connectivity boost for NWU students

In line with a previous commitment by the North-West University to support its students with data and devices during the Covid-19 pandemic, the institution says it is making steady progress.

According to the institution, it has so far spent R19 662 689,59 on purchasing 3 534 laptops, and an additional R2 303 433 on monthly data…

NWU alumni and friends give world-class concert

Potchefstroom – Alumni from the North-West University (NWU) presented a virtual concert for the very first time over the past weekend, involving musicians from various genres, but all from the NWU stable.

“This concert is just one more creative way in which the NWU retains contact with its alumni and stakeholders during the Covid-19…

NWU takes on pandemic on many fronts

The disruptive Covid-19 pandemic has not sidetracked the North-West University’s (NWU’s) researchers and academics from using their expertise to the benefit of society.

NWU staff and students have been involved in various pandemic-related projects. These range from involvement in communities to finding workable solutions in the fight…

Breastfeeding is best

It has been proven conclusively that exclusively breastfeeding a baby for the first six months has numerous long-term health benefits for a child. However, a large number of South African women are not doing this.

Chantell Witten, who recently completed her PhD at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Centre of Excellence for Nutrition…

Palesa makes it to the top 15

A beauty pageant is defined as a competition that judges its contestants on their physical beauty. However, over the past few years these pageants have developed a different image.

The Miss South Africa competition is a leadership platform for ambitious young South African women. Through the pageant process, contestants receive world-…

NWU academic tackles youth unemployment

As statistics for youth unemployment in South Africa continue to rise, a North-West University (NWU) academic is at the forefront of seeking solutions to the crisis.

Dr Celestin Mayombe from the School of Professional Studies in Education recently published a research paper titled: “Needs assessment for vocational skills training for…

NWU continues to shine in rankings

The North-West University (NWU) continues its good run in international rankings. The university has now also been ranked among the best 101 to 150 universities out of more than 350 universities in the Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings.

This is the first time the NWU appears in this particular ranking, which…