Vanderbijlpark Campus News

Campus community steps into slippers to support seriously ill children

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Student Counselling and Development (SCD) division on the Vanderbijlpark Campus rallied up staff and students to support Slipper Day on 31 May.

Slipper Day is an annual fundraising event organised by Reach For A Dream that sees everyone from school children to corporate teams wear their slippers and Slipper Day stickers – all in support of seriously ill children who are in desperate need of hope and encouragement.

The theme for this year's Slipper Day was "Step into My Slippers," focusing on empathy, fun and stepping into the shoes of… Read more

NWU expert: This is SA’s growth prospects for 2018

The most recent statistic son the performance of the South African economy during the first quarter of the year – as reported on by Statistics South Africa – left many economists and policy makers in a state of shock.

The actual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate for the first quarter is put at 2,2%, indicating a substantial…

GeeXpo 2018: bigger and better!

Whoever says that mathematics and information sciences can’t be fun, has surely never taken part in the North-West University’s (NWU’s) annual GeeXpo initiative!

On Saturday, 13 October 2018, the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences on the NWU’s campus in Vanderbijlpark will once again roll-out the red carpet for learners from Grade…

NWU alumni to debate the future of South Africa beyond 2025

What might the future of South Africa look like beyond 2025? Where will the consumers of the future be located? How will smart cities evolve? Can inequality be overcome? And, how will technology alter commerce and development?

These will be the topics of debate during an alumni gathering on 3 August 2018 of graduates from the North-West…

Inclusive education: developing support for all learners’ learning needs

The Optentia research focus area on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark recently hosted a conference entitled “Developing Support for the learning needs of ALL learners”.

The conference was sponsored by Mark Hayter from Edtechink and the Deputy Vice Chancellors’ office on the Vanderbijlpark campus. It was organised…

International researchers collaborate to understand unemployment

“No job, no food, please help.” These words on makeshift cardboard signs can be seen at every street corner on any given day in South Africa. With an unemployment rate of 26,7% in the first quarter of 2018, it comes as no surprise that South Africa is one of 20 nations with the highest unemployment figures in the world.

Yet there is hope.…

HCS 2018: industry experts debate human capital management

The most important asset for any company is not something palpable. It is not equipment, infrastructure, data or even intellectual property. No. The most valuable asset of any business is the people (human capital).

In a world where business leaders are often running a full-time sprint just to keep up with the day-to-day demands of business…

Social scientists to reimagine the future

 “Social scientists hold the key to imagining and realising an alternative future, not only for South Africa but for the world. Through social sciences we are offered the opportunity to open up debate, to collaborate and ultimately shape our collective future.”

This is according to Prof Linda du Plessis, the North-West University’s (NWU’s)…

NWU to battle it out at Universities Business Challenge 2018

When it comes to entrepreneurial training and development the North-West University (NWU) is blazing a trail within the South African higher education sector. This year, no less than 10 Enactus teams will represent the university at the intra-university round of the Universities Business Challenge (UBC) 2018.

The aim of the challenge is to…

NWU entrepreneurship experts attend EDHE Lekgotla 2018

The second annual Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education (EDHE) Lekgotla recently took place in Cape Town. The three-day event saw two entrepreneurship experts from the North-West University (NWU), Natanya Meyer and Johann Landsberg, in attendance.

Natanya is a researcher in the fields of youth and female entrepreneurship in the…

Stalwarts receive recognition for long-service loyalty

Several staff members of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark recently received long-service awards for uninterrupted and loyal service to the university.

When calculating the accumulated years of service, it amounts to 335 years of combined skills and knowledge. Long-service awards were made for 10 years; 15 years;…