UARM welcomes new extraordinary professor

The Centre for Applied Risk Management (UARM) is welcoming Dutch research pioneer, Prof Gert Jan Hofstede, in its midst as an extraordinary professor.

Prof Hofstede will deliver his prestige lecture on 19 November 2018 at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark.

The topic of his prestige lecture will be “Artificial sociality: simulating the social mind”.

More about the expert

Prof Hofstede is a professor at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. He has had (and still has) guest professorships at various academic institutions including LSE, ETH Zürich, Hochschule Luzern, Uni Zürich, EHSAL Brussel, and TU Delft.

He has published extensively and in various fields over the years. They include interactive planning systems, simulation gaming, trust and transparency in business chains, national culture, and social simulation.

As a population biologist, experienced software designer, social scientist (specialising in culture), and designer of simulation games and agent-based models, Prof Hofstede has been an invited speaker at conferences across the globe.

In addition to his published peer-reviewed articles (Google H-index = 31), he is a co-author of the book Cultures and Organisations, published in 2010 and translated into more than 20 languages. He also created a large number of simulation games on culture in organisational settings.

According to Prof Hofstede his long-standing aim is teasing out the generic dynamics of human social behaviour. His stance is that people are not unpredictable, but ill-understood. He uses simulation gaming and social simulation as preferred methods that integrate knowledge from many fields to yield operable knowledge that can be applied in all kinds of practical contexts.

For more information contact Lynn Booysen on 016 910 3410 or send an email to


Prof Gert Jan Hofstede.



Submitted on Wed, 11/07/2018 - 10:09