Afrikaans linguistics

Nina Brink

Nina Brink is a lecturer in Afrikaans linguistics at the North-West University's Potchefstroom Campus. She achieved a BA in Communication Studies, and BA Hons and MA in Afrikaans and Dutch (Linguistics) at the North-West University. Her specific research focus is on Afrikaans children's language acquisition and development. This is an underexplored theme in the field of Afrikaans linguistics. Nina works within the framework of functional/usage-based and cognitive linguistics and is also on the research team of a collaborative research project, the Child Language Development Node.

Adri Breed

Adri Breed is a NRF-rated associate professor in Afrikaans descriptive linguistics at the North-West University's Potchefstroom Campus. She specializes in syntax and semantics, with a particular focus on the grammaticalisation of tense and aspect constructions in Afrikaans and Dutch. She completed five degrees at the NWU, namely a degree in Business Communication (B.Bk. – 2005), a degree in Theology with languages (B.Th. Languages – 2005), an Honours degree in Afrikaans Linguistics (B.A. Hons. – 2007), a Master's degree Afrikaans Literature (M.A.

Johanita Kirsten

Johanita Kirsten, senior lecturer in Afrikaans Linguistics at the Vanderbijlpark Campus of the North-West University, is interested in recent and ongoing changes in Afrikaans language use. She completed her MA and PhD in Afrikaans and Dutch (Historical Linguistics) at the NWU under supervision of prof. Bertus van Rooy, and received the ABSA Bronze Medal for her MA dissertation.

Wannie Carstens

Prof Wannie Carstens has been Director of the School of Languages at the North-West University’s Potchefstroom Campus since 2001. He is currently also the chairperson of the Afrikaanse Taalraad, chairperson of the Suid Afrikaanse Akademie van Kuns en Kultuur, chairperson of the Nasionale Taalligaam vir Afrikaans and also serves on a variety of boards. He is, amongst others, also a member of the panel of translators for the new Afrikaans Bible translation.