Adri Breed is a NRF-rated associate professor in Afrikaans descriptive linguistics at the North-West University's Potchefstroom Campus. She specializes in syntax and semantics, with a particular focus on the grammaticalisation of tense and aspect constructions in Afrikaans and Dutch. She completed five degrees at the NWU, namely a degree in Business Communication (B.Bk. – 2005), a degree in Theology with languages (B.Th. Languages – 2005), an Honours degree in Afrikaans Linguistics (B.A. Hons. – 2007), a Master's degree Afrikaans Literature (M.A. – 2007) and her PhD in Afrikaans Linguistics in 2012. During the course of her doctoral studies, she spent roughly ten months at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.
Room 243
Building E9, School of Languages
Potchefstroom Campus
List of publications:
- 2009 Breed, C. A. 2009. Review article: Christa Konig, Case in Africa. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. Word Structure, 2(1):121-135. [ERIH, ESCI]
- 2009 Breed, C.A. & Greyling, S.F. 2009. 'n Ondersoek na 'n werkswyse: Die herskryf van 'n Afrikaanse roman 'n draaiboek. Literator, 31(2). [DHET, SciELO SA, SCOPUS]
- 2013 Breed, C.A. 2013. Die hedetyd is iets van die verlede: kommentaar op die "hedetydskryftradisie" in die Afrikaanse skryfkuns. Literator: Hans du Plessis-Festschrift, 34(2). [DHET, SciELO SA, SCOPUS]
- 2014 Breed, C.A. & Van Huyssteen, G.B. 2014. Aan die en besig in Afrikaanse progressiwiteitskonstruksies: die ontstaan en ontwikkeling (1). Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 54(4):1-18 [DHET, ISI, SciELO SA, SCOPUS]
- 2015 Breed, C.A. & Brisard, F. 2015. Postulêre werkwoorde as progressiewe merkers in Afrikaans en Nederlands. Internationale Neerlandistiek, 53(1):3-28. [VABB-SHW]
- 2015 Breed, C.A. & Van Huyssteen, G.B. 2015. Aan die en besig in Afrikaanse progressiwiteitskonstruksies: ’n korpusondersoek (2). Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 55(2):1-18. [DHET, ISI, SciELO SA, SCOPUS]
- 2015 Van Olmen, D. & Breed, C.A. 2015. Afrikaans as Standaard Gemiddeld Europees. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 33(2): 227-246 [DHET, ISI, SCOPUS]
- 2016 Breed, C.A & Van Aardt, C.A. 2016. Postulêre werkwoorde in Griekwa-Afrikaans – 'n ondersoek vanuit 'n grammatikaliseringsperspek. Spil, 48:1-24. [DHET]
- 2016 Breed, C.A. 2016. Aspek in Afrikaans: 'n hedendaagse beskrywing. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 56(1):1-19 [DHET, ISI, SciELO SA, SCOPUS]
- 2016 Breed, C.A., Carstens, W.A.M. & Olivier, J.A.C. Die DBAT : 'n Onbekende digitale taalkundemuseum. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 56 (2-1) 391-409, Jun.
- 2017 Breed, C.A. 2017. The subjective use of postural verb in Afrikaans (I): evolution from progressive to modal. SPiLPlus, 52. [DHET]
- 2017 Breed, C.A. 2017. The subjective use of postural verbs in Afrikaans (II): a corpus analysis of CPV en in Zefrikaans. SPiLPlus, 52. [DHET]
- 2017 Breed, C.A., Brisard, F. & Verhoeven, B. 2017. Periphrastic progressive constructions in Afrikaans and Dutch: A contrastive analysis. Journal of Germanic Linguistics, 29(4).[ISI, SCOPUS]
- 2017 Brink, N. & Breed, C.A. 2017. H Hoe jong Afrikaanssprekende kinders betekenis aan hul vroeë taalgebruik verbind. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 57(4):1012-1036. [DHET, ISI, SciELO SA, SCOPUS]
- 2017 Breed, A. & Van Olmen, D. Menslike onpersoonlike voornaamwoorde in Nederlands vanuit 'n dubbelvraelysaanpak – 'n vergelyking met Afrikaans. Tydskrif vir Nederlands en Afrikaans, 2017(2). [DHET]
- 2018 Van Olmen, D. & Breed, C.A. 2018. Human impersonal pronouns in Afrikaans: A double questionnaire-based study. Language Sciences, 69:1-29, September. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.langsci.2018.05.002 [ISI, Norwegian, Scopus]
- 2018 Van Olmen, D., Breed, A. & Verhoeven, B. 2018. A corpus-based study of the human impersonal pronoun (‘n) mens in Afrikaans: Compared to men and een mens in Dutch. Languages in Contrast, E-print before publication 5 June 2018 https://doi.org/10.1075/lic.17004.van. [Scopus]
- 2018 Van Olmen, D. & Breed, A. Human impersonal pronouns in West Germanic: A questionnaire-based comparative study of Afrikaans, Dutch and English. Studies in Language, In press. [Scopus]