Human Interest

NWU Eagles flying to Tokyo

The entire world will be watching, and what they are going to see is capital E for Eagles. The South African team will soon show their steel at the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan, with a flock of North-West University (NWU) Eagles who will embark on the flight of about 13 500 km together.

Submitted on Thu, 07/22/2021 - 14:52

Making internships work

The South African economy is changing and with it, the level of experience and talent that is required. In the current competitive job market, recent graduates face a tough learning curve. This is why applied learning and internship opportunities are essential for students.

Submitted on Thu, 07/22/2021 - 09:48

Thousands get vaccinated at NWU outreach sites

The Covid-19 vaccination drive in South Africa received a boost with thousands of members of the public, including North-West University (NWU) staff members, their spouses and life-partners, getting their vaccinations during the past weekend (16 to 18 July).

Similar drives are expected in the near future and as soon as details regarding these are available, it will be communicated.

Submitted on Mon, 07/19/2021 - 14:21

Artist’s impressions of Covid-19 and global warming win two international prizes

The true value of art far exceeds its monetary worth. Its beauty may astonish us and its meaning touches hearts, thoughts and souls for generations after it has been created. An NWU alumnus’s artworks have masterfully captured his “film-strip” impressions of lockdown, the Covid-19 pandemic and global warming, and earned him first prizes in two prestigious international competitions.

Submitted on Mon, 07/19/2021 - 09:01