News Archive

3691 NWU Community nursing students assist in Health Promotion
3692 NWU chief IT director joins Apereo Board
3693 Faculty wows to keep female students in class – Women’s Day 2018
3694 NWU academic strives to promote women in science
3695 NWU choir performs Stabat Mater in style
3696 NWU and PESA hosts land reform seminar
3697 Russian students to further their research at the NWU
3698 NWU vice-chancellor to share governance insight at Leadership Summit
3699 Siya Metane – a heart for music and a head for business
3700 NWU and farm mechanics
3701 NWU and Binary Space champions innovative technology
3702 It’s smooth sailing for Jonker Sailplanes at world championships
3703 NWU exact revenge on UKZN
3704 NWU students learn about the benefits of digitalisation
3705 NWU honours the late Dr Tom Gouws
3706 NWU hosts annual book exhibition
3707 NWU to host 4th annual Leadership Summit
3708 NWU hosts public lecture on challenges of energy, water and food security
3709 NWU Soccer Institute ready for UKZN encounter
3710 NWU and Sasol Foundation sign donation agreement
3711 Alumni Office to assist unemployed graduates
3712 Breast is best
3713 NWU expert – history is not a nation-building discipline
3714 NWU now offers a postgraduate degree in higher education studies
3715 All rise, it is time for the Juta-NWU mock trials
3716 NWU and ministerial delegation reach out to the community
3717 The big impact of a small bar of soap
3718 NWU noble boys pip UWC in a 2-1 stunner
3719 NWU vice-chancellor hosts luncheon for school principals
3720 Cream of the crop network with industry