Optentia to host Stats Camp South Africa

When it comes to research, the findings are only as strong as the analysis of the data. If a researcher is proficient in statistical analysis the research will benefit society, if not, it is an opportunity lost.

This April the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Optentia research focus area, in collaboration with two international experts on statistical analysis, Prof Todd D Little (Texas Tech University, USA) and Prof Rens van der Schoot (Utrecht University, Netherlands), will host a Stats Camp in South Africa.

Stats Camp is an internationally recognised, award-winning educational event focused on advanced statistical training at a graduate and postgraduate level. Week-long Stats Camps and mini camps are held around the world every year.

These seminars enable researchers to get practical, hands-on instruction in current trends and practices in modern, advanced statistical analysis. The programme will cover topics such as scaling and identification, parcelling procedures, multiple group confirmatory factor analysis, measurement invariance and rescaling of constructs.

Learn from the best
The programme will feature sessions with various experts including Prof Little who founded Stats Camp (Statscamp.org) in 2003 and works towards ensuring the organisation’s on-going impact on shaping the quality of scientific inquiry for current and future researchers.  

He is director of the Institute for Measurement, Methodology, Analysis and Policy at Texas Tech University and is widely recognised for his quantitative work on various aspects of applied Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) including modern missing data treatments, indicator selection, parcelling and modelling developmental processes.

Ian Rothmann is a professor in industrial/organisational psychology at the NWU’s campus in Vanderbijlpark and director of the Optentia research focus area. He researches the prospering of people at work, the antecedents and outcomes thereof and intervention programmes that could contribute to the prospering of individuals and organisations.

Rens Van de Schoot is professor in methods and statistics at Utrecht University and an extraordinary professor at Optentia. He teaches many Bayesian and Mplus courses around the world and is an expert in, among other, multivariate analyses (regression, t-test, manova), multilevel analysis, structural equation modelling and machine learning (www.rensvandeschoot.com).

Stats Camp South Africa takes place from 23 to 26 April 2019 at Mongena Lodge in the Dinokeng Game Reserve, Hammanskraal, Tshwane. For more information contact Lynn Booysen from Optentia at lynn.booysen@nwu.ac.za.

Submitted on Thu, 02/14/2019 - 15:54