News Archive

3601 NWU researcher speaks at Indiana University
3602 NWU academic awarded for being a stroke ambassador
3603 NWU launches an innovative literary project for visually impaired persons
3604 Library heeds national call to foster entrepreneurial culture
3605 Faculty takes the lead in empowering young female students
3606 International centre will fight neuromuscular diseases
3607 NWU supports annual CANSA Relay for Life
3608 SEW2018 sets student entrepreneurship on centre stage
3609 Red carpet rolled out for new Golden Key members
3610 Social work students have their day in court
3611 Learners shine through NWU’s Ikateleng project
3612 ICSS 2018: advancing inter- and multidisciplinary studies on social sciences
3613 NWU legal ladies to join national network of women lawyers
3614 Stanford invites bright PhD student for master’s class
3615 International expert: R is the present and future of statistical programming
3616 Finnish academic to review school-wide positive behaviour support and interventions
3617 Oxford expert to lecture at NWU’s Optentia
3618 NWU astronomers play a role in bid to host first General Assembly of IAU in Africa
3619 Multimodal learning and multilingualism is his passion
3620 Student leadership inauguration 2018 – the start of a new chapter for NWU
3621 NWU research: The effect of veld fires on air quality, climate and human health
3622 Minister of Science and Technology launches NWU Mahikeng Astronomy Observatory
3623 NWU Noble Boys victorious even in defeat
3624 Newly elected Vanderbijlpark Student Campus Council takes to office
3625 SA needs more strenuous efforts to break out of ‘low growth trap’
3626 NWU to play UJ in a do or die encounter
3627 NWU postdoctoral fellow is one of 2018’s Most Influential Young Africans
3628 Campus is pitch perfect for annual KFC Mini Cricket Festival
3629 NWU Tourism Society walks for tourism awareness
3630 NWU makes an impact during Special Sports Day