Faculties News

NWU takes on pandemic on many fronts

The disruptive Covid-19 pandemic has not sidetracked the North-West University’s (NWU’s) researchers and academics from using their expertise to the benefit of society.

NWU staff and students have been involved in various pandemic-related projects. These range from involvement in communities to finding workable solutions in the fight…

NWU takes on pandemic on many fronts

The disruptive Covid-19 pandemic has not sidetracked the North-West University’s (NWU’s) researchers and academics from using their expertise to the benefit of society.

NWU staff and students have been involved in various pandemic-related projects. These range from involvement in communities to finding workable solutions in the fight…

NWU takes on pandemic on many fronts

The disruptive Covid-19 pandemic has not sidetracked the North-West University’s (NWU’s) researchers and academics from using their expertise to the benefit of society.

NWU staff and students have been involved in various pandemic-related projects. These range from involvement in communities to finding workable solutions in the fight…

Breastfeeding is best

It has been proven conclusively that exclusively breastfeeding a baby for the first six months has numerous long-term health benefits for a child. However, a large number of South African women are not doing this.

Chantell Witten, who recently completed her PhD at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Centre of Excellence for Nutrition…

NWU academic tackles youth unemployment

As statistics for youth unemployment in South Africa continue to rise, a North-West University (NWU) academic is at the forefront of seeking solutions to the crisis.

Dr Celestin Mayombe from the School of Professional Studies in Education recently published a research paper titled: “Needs assessment for vocational skills training for…

Faculty assists family after devastating fire

The staff at the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences at the North-West University (NWU) have opened their hearts to a family who lost nearly all their possessions in a devastating house fire in Mahikeng.

The fire, which occurred during the last week of May, gutted almost the entire RDP house in Danville, Ward 17, and left a single…

The complex world of autists

Autism is a diverse neuro-developmental condition that is characterised by challenges with communication, social interaction and repetitive behaviour. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) presents with various subtypes that relate to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Researchers are also investigating phenotypes relating to brain…

How the pandemic is affecting children’s health

South African children will miss two or more months of school this year due to the lockdown, and are therefore missing out on school sport, while other physical activities are also limited to a large extent. This inactivity, coupled with eating patterns linked to life under lockdown, could have unwelcome effects on children’s health.

Exports and the coronavirus: South Africa in a catch-22 situation

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted all components of the economy – all sectors in terms of demand and supply, employment, investment, growth, confidence and exports.

An economist from the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences at the North-West University (NWU) says exports are critical for economic growth and are recognised as…

NWU engineers walk away with international award for tackling Covid-19

An initiative from the Faculty of Engineering at the North-West University (NWU) was recently honoured with an international award from the Covid-19 Innovation Challenge of the United Nations (UN) Africa Innovation and Investment Forum 2020.

According to Jean-Paul Adam of the United Nations Africa Innovation and Investment Forum,…