Community News

NWU Mahikeng Campus welcomes top-rated researcher

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus is proud to welcome Prof Don Kurtz as an extraordinary professor.

Prof Kurtz is based in the United Kingdom and is an A1-rated professor, the highest such rating in the research fraternity.


The NWU’s Tebogo is a Next Generation of Brave winner

North-West University (NWU) student Tebogo Matshehle Monogo was announced as one of the two winners of the Next Generation of the Brave competition facilitated by Adcock Ingram OTC in partnership with News24.

This programme aims to assist healthcare students financially, to provide…

NWU Business School to host discussion on political stability and democracy in Africa

The North-West University (NWU) Business School will be hosting a virtual Think Tank discussion on the topic “Political stability and democracy in Africa – Opportunities and threats for business enterprises” on 18 February 2021.

Prof Avitus Agbor from the NWU’s Faculty of Law and…

NWU digital marketer talks about the benefits of enhancing your online presence

Sam Junior Mbatha, a digital media marketer at the North-West University (NWU), led the conversation as a guest on #AfricaTweetChat on the topic “The online revolution: Digital marketing and job placement in the digital age” on 9 February 2021.

#AfricaTweetChat started as a Twitter…

Hate crimes law is needed to protect the LGBT community

The incidence of hate crimes against members of South Africa’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community remains disturbingly high.

This is despite constitutional protection against discrimination and the enactment of various…

The villainisation of vaccinations and the rehabilitation of authority

While social media and the information age have had the wonderful effect of making information freely available, they have, seemingly, also caused the demise of people’s trust in experts, authorities, specialists and researchers.

Dr Yolandi Coetzer, lecturer in Philosophy at the…

Sonwabo digs deep to follow his dream

‘’Ulala kanjani ungenayo iDegree’’ – how do you sleep while you don’t have a degree in your possession?

This is the IsiXhosa mantra 37-year-old Sonwabo Mvangwana used to motivate himself throughout the four years he was trying to obtain his BSc degree in geology at the North-West…

NWU Faculty of Engineering helps schools to utilise electricity and water more effectively

The School of Mechanical Engineering at the North-West University (NWU) is using their energy management expertise to assist schools through its Energy and Water project.

This project forms part of the faculty’s drive and passion to give back to…

Don’t miss the NWU Career Centre’s virtual fairs in March

With social distancing as the new normal, and digital engagement the norm, the North-West University (NWU) Career Centre will continue on its innovative path by hosting four virtual career fairs in March.

On 9 March the Accounting Virtual Fair…

NWU alumnus and celebrity journalist is making his mark

Lesley Mofokeng, trailblazing celebrity journalist and alumnus of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus, continues to make his mark in the journalism industry.

 He has done it all – from overseeing entertainment sections of top national newspapers and being a gatekeeper…