Academic News

Another success for self-directed learning

With participants from as far as the United States, the North-West University’s (NWU’s) fourth International Self-Directed Learning (SDL) Conference was a great success.

Hosted by the NWU’s SDL research unit, the theme for this year’s conference was “Self-Directed Learning: An…

South Africa’s public finances remain in safe hands

“In a measured policy assessment by the Minister of Finance, Enoch Godongwana, in his first Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) he confirms that South Africa’s public finances remain in safe hands and that there will be broad continuity in fiscal policy.”

Prof Raymond…

Strategic intent regarding the merits of a proposed export tax on chrome ore in SA

The Business School of the North-West University (NWUBS) completed a research project to determine the merits of a proposed export tax on chrome ore in South Africa as one of the interventions to regain the global competitive advantage of the domestic ferrochrome industry, as well as the influence thereof on the chrome–ferrochrome value chain (…

Resignation of the principal and vice-chancellor, Prof Dan Kgwadi

It is with mixed feelings that the NWU announces the resignation of Prof Dan Kgwadi who has accepted the position of vice-chancellor of the Vaal University of Technology. Although we join him in the celebration of his new endeavor, we are sad to lose him.

Prof Kgwadi has played a crucial role in the transformation journey and the…

Meet the NWU’s 2021/2022 Open Educational Resource fellows

The North-West University (NWU) recently announced its Open Educational Resource (OER) fellows for 2021/2022.

These fellowships offer staff who are interested to include new online resources to their classes or adapt their resources to their…

Textbook addresses ongoing inequalities in aspects of law

North-West University (NWU) research professor and professor in securities and financial markets law, Prof Howard Chitimira, recently published a textbook along with two other editors.

The book, Global Jurisprudential Apartheid in the Twenty-First Century: Universalism and…

NWU alumnus receives NRF research award

North-West University (NWU) alumnus Prof Retselisitsoe Moses Phooko’s research prowess recently earned him a National Research Foundation (NRF) research award in the category Early Career/Emerging Researchers.

The award ceremony took place on 2 November 2021 during a hybrid event…

NWU honours radio presenter for promoting self-directed learning

The world is constantly evolving, and staying on top of the continual flow of changes necessitates lifelong learning. One of the most effective lifelong learning approaches is self-directed learning (SDL), where people set their own learning goals and choose what and how they want to learn.

His passion for SDL and his commitment to…

NWU academic selected to participate in prestigious programme

North-West University (NWU) academic Dr Aurelia Alvina Williams has been selected to participate in the Future Professors Programme (FPP).

Dr Williams, a senior lecturer in the subject group Biochemistry, is among 29 South African academics who have been selected as the first cohort to participate in the second phase of the programme.…

Faculty of Engineering’s ingenuity key to PhD successes

Ingenuity built the world, resourcefulness sustains it and our imaginations will take it forward. This is evident from some of the interesting and important PhDs that the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Engineering has delivered in 2021.

In the field of chemical engineering, Innocentia Erdogan received her PhD for her thesis…