Academic News

Using indigenous knowledge for socio-economic growth

It would be a pity if we do not reap the fruit of the indigenous knowledge cultivated in our communities.

Fortunately the Department of Science and Technology (DST) committed itself to engaging government departments to ensure that Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) are incorporated in their policies and programmes.

By doing…

Having grit goes a long way

It is the year 2000. The share price of a multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 company peaks at $90. Their recruitment strategy reads: Hire the best, fire the rest. At the time it seemed to work, only it didn’t. That company was Enron.

“Grit” is a positive, non-cognitive trait based on an individual’s perseverance - combined with a passion for a…

Commodity risk management: students g(r)ain experience

Economic instability has changed the way in which companies operate. Long gone are the days when decisions were made solely with the help of forecasts and projections. Risk management has become an integral part of good management and governance.

This is also true for grain marketing and trading.

Risk management students from the…

GeeXpo 2018: blowing minds and tickling science fancies

Are you dreaming of a career in science and technology? If so, GeeXpo 2018 is just for you! Diarise Saturday, 13 October and make sure you take part in the North-West University’s (NWU’s) largest annual science and information technology expo.

What makes GeeXpo such an unforgettable experience it the fact it is much more than a traditional…

NWU’s solar car fuels inspiration among youth

Two birds with one stone: celebrating the North-West University’s (NWU’s) solar car’s success, and investing in our leaders of tomorrow.

Learners from the surrounding Potchefstroom area recently joined students and staff from the Faculty of Engineering in celebrating the performance of the Phoenix after the Sasol Solar Challenge.…

NWU parasitologist awarded for research excellence

Edward Netherlands is an inspiring researcher who is continuously challenging the boundaries of existing scientific knowledge. His most recent accolade vests him as one of the country’s most productive and innovative young male researchers.

During the annual National Research Foundation (NRF) Excellence Awards, Edward was awarded with the…

New executive director for People and Culture

Dr Mala Singh, executive coach and management consultant, has been appointed as the new director for People and Culture. She has been appointed for a fixed term of four years as from 1 October 2018. 

Dr Singh has 41 years experience in the public and private sector, and has worked as a lecturer, psychologist and researcher. Her…

Research explores preferences of game meat eaters

Earlier this year, Statistics SA stated that over six million South Africans are currently unemployed. With the country’s current economic climate resulting in shrinking opportunities for formal employment, more and more South Africans are turning to entrepreneurship.

North-West University (NWU) Tourism Research in Economic Environs…

Paving the way for women entrepreneurs

Opportunity should be without bias. There is a dearth of female entrepreneurs in the country and the North-West University (NWU) is addressing this problem through the Enterprising Women Programme (EWP).

There are many pitfalls and roadblocks facing women who want to start their own business and a level playing field is an imperative where…

How resilient are SA’s female entrepreneurs?

South African policy makers and researchers are in agreement: a thriving small, medium and micro enterprise (SMME) sector is the key to job creation, economic sustainability and ultimately positive growth. With the National Development Plan (NDP) predicting that by 2030 SMMEs will generate 90% of the 11 million new jobs targeted, the future…