Academic News

Before and now: the contrast in miners’ living conditions

Crammed into tiny rooms in same-sex hostels, away from their partners or families and without proper access to water, electricity or sanitation, South African miners used to live in appalling conditions. Today, the situation of miners at Impala Platinum in Rustenburg has improved markedly, although there are still challenges, as a North-West…

Green water treatment will benefit communities

Water is vital for living organisms but the quality of water is changing due to population growth and environmental changes. Could a miracle plant be the answer?

Ground and surface water serve as the main sources of drinking water in rural and urban areas, however, the availability of potable water is still a major concern.

NWU’s innovative new conference is all about research excellence

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) first Biennial Research and Innovation conference promises to be an event like no other. The conference is for researchers, by researchers and with researchers, and is a brand-new highlight on the NWU’s calendar.

The importance of research and innovation, not only as an…

NWU brings education to your doorstep

The North-West University (NWU) believes distance should never be an obstacle to education. This is why in an attempt to bring education right to your doorstep, the Unit for Open Distance Learning of the NWU has recently established two offices in Namibia.   The NWU is proud to offer quality education to the more than 1 500 Namibian…

Tool for talent risk management may retain academics

The voluntary turnover rate of academics ranges between 41 and 63% and at least 6 000 new academics are required to replace retiring academics within the next five years.

These research statistics and estimates do not look good, do they? Fortunately a recent doctoral research study has shone the light on talent management with a view…

Social service information is just an app away for senior citizens

On a dusty street of a village in the North West Province a group of 12-year-olds are cheering each other on as they play kgati, an indigenous game using a skipping rope. As the game intensifies one of them hears her grandmother shouting from the kitchen, requesting her to go to their ward counsellor’s house and ask if social grants will be paid…

Gr8 Success! – a serious game for teaching soft skills

Meet Faith Sibiya and Carl Thomson. They are two typical varsity students. Faith is an eccentric foot-dragger and always finds an excuse to do that really important assignment… tomorrow. Carl, on the other hand, is an inattentive fusspot. In less than six months’ time, both of them have to set foot in the world of work.

Do they know that…

3-D printing to improve life

Staff and students at the North-West University's (NWU’s) Engineering Faculty are in the process of giving the traditional way of manufacturing products a huge blow. They are now using their wide variety of world class three-dimensional printers.

According to CP Kloppers, a lecturer in mechanical engineering, the purpose of this…

Researcher is first in Africa to lead global hypertension society

Normal heart rates range from 60 to 100 beats per minute. Anything above that means blood is racing at an alarming speed through your veins. One person whose blood is pumping with passion in the fight against a deadly health condition, hypertension, is Prof Alta Schutte.

Part of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Hypertension in…

Celebrating the Groot Marico Biosphere Reserve

Over the years the North West University (NWU) has shown that it is not only dedicated to achieving academic excellence, but also to helping and developing the community and the environment.

The NWU, together with a number of other industry partners recently worked together to have the United Nations Educational, Scientific and…