Academic News

Hypertension is clouding the joys of childhood

Childhood is normally associated with health, playfulness and a phase in life without worries or fear. However, this ideal definition of childhood is becoming cluttered with unwanted risk factors linked to the early development of cardiovascular disease, especially in South Africa.

Global data on the prevalence of high blood pressure…

Supercharging their careers – the NWU way!

The end of January saw the start of many aspiring MBA students’ journey to success when the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Business School once again hosted a very successful Summer Study School in Potchefstroom.

An exciting and insightful five-day programme was presented from 27 to 31 January to approximately 170 students in their…

Emotional and psychological effect of crime is complex

The crime figures that Statistics South Africa released during 2019 paint a grim picture. Most South Africans live in fear, not knowing if they will fall prey to criminals. Victims of violent crimes not only lose their material possessions, but can also suffer significant emotional and psychological trauma.

However, hard as it might be to…

NWU student brings hope to community cattle farmers

A North-West University (NWU) PhD student has spent the last six years studying how the occurrence of reproductive conditions in cows can be prevented, thereby improving the fortunes of communal cattle farmers.

Keitiretse Molefe will graduate at the campus in Mahikeng in April 2020, and feels blessed to have been part of the research…

NWU expert co-edits new textbook on diversity management

Dr Leon Moolman, a senior lecturer in labour relations management, is starting the new year on a celebratory high after receiving his copy of the newly published textbook, Managing Diversity in the South African workplace. 

As one of the co-editors of the textbook, Dr Moolman is excited about the contribution made by the publication to the…

Reduced interest rates will help to underpin business and consumer confidence

“The Monetary Policy Committee’s (MPC's) decision to reduce the repo rate by 25 basis points is a welcome recognition of the need to reduce borrowing costs for business and consumers in South Africa.”

This is according to Prof Raymond Parsons, a well-known economist and academic from the North-West University (NWU) Business School…

NWU appoints medical specialists

The North-West University’s (NWU's) Centre for Health and Human Performance (CHHP) is expanding their expertise in the field of psychology, neurology and biokinetics.

This multidisciplinary team applies leading scientific expertise to optimise the health, psychological well-being and performance of people ranging in age from…

Digging deeper into housing needs of miners

Changing migration patterns and the recruitment of women to the mining industry have highlighted the need for more research into the housing needs of black miners in South Africa.

Prof Olebogeng David Daw, an economics professor at the North-West University (NWU), is applying his research skills to dig deeper into the topic.

NWU puts language policy into action

The North-West University (NWU) is on a mission to be a university where everybody will feel welcome in their languages, and can use their own language to teach, learn and interact freely.

It aims to be an institution where students will be able to complete their studies while also using their mother tongue, for example Setswana,…

Child health enjoys massive interest – national conference

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Potchefstroom recently hosted a very successful Child Health Priorities Conference, which attracted some 260 delegates, and even the likes of South Africa’s First Lady, Dr Tshepo Motsepe.

Under the theme “Survive, thrive and transform – championing change for children”, the conference…