Vanderbijlpark Campus News

Campus community steps into slippers to support seriously ill children

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Student Counselling and Development (SCD) division on the Vanderbijlpark Campus rallied up staff and students to support Slipper Day on 31 May.

Slipper Day is an annual fundraising event organised by Reach For A Dream that sees everyone from school children to corporate teams wear their slippers and Slipper Day stickers – all in support of seriously ill children who are in desperate need of hope and encouragement.

The theme for this year's Slipper Day was "Step into My Slippers," focusing on empathy, fun and stepping into the shoes of… Read more

Natanya is blazing a trail of entrepreneurial excellence

Natanya Meyer is on a mission: to break new ground for entrepreneurs all over, be it through education, research, mentoring or progressing one of her own start-up ventures.

As a lecturer in entrepreneurship at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark, Natanya believes in leading by example and as such she was the proud…

Young karateka aims for gold

Many karateka dream of it but very few ever have the opportunity to visit the Land of the Rising Sun. Stephen Moeketsi, a final-year BEd student of the North-West University (NWU) is one of the lucky few who gets to visit the home of karate: Japan.

Stephan (25), a student at the campus in Vanderbijlpark, recently qualified to represent the…

Basic education system pivotal to realisation of free higher education

A much welcome result of the #FeesMustFall movement is that over the next three years, the South African government spending framework has made provision for the allocation of R57 billion towards fee-free higher education and training. However – according to Prof Ilyayambwa Mwanawina, associate professor at the North-West University’s (NWU’s)…

NWU experts: top eight economic indicators for 2018

Will 2018 be a better year for South Africa’s economy? This is the question on all South Africans’ lips. In an effort to provide answers, Prof Danie Meyer and Caro Janse van Rensburg – academics from the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences – offer the following insight into the principal economic…

UARM assists conservationists with good governance practice

Birdlife South Africa (BLSA)’s conservation leaders recently participated in a successful risk identification workshop presented by Prof Hermien Zaaiman, associate professor and manager of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Centre for Applied Risk Management (UARM).

BLSA is a donor-funded bird conservation organisation, and has important…

NWU prestige lecture focusses on eMental Health

EMental Health technology can reach many people in need and can connect with people on issues affecting their health. However, this technology needs to be engaging to be of use. This is according to Prof Saskia Kelders, newly-appointed extraordinary professor at the Optentia research focus area on the North-West University’s Campus in…

Busy year for NWU Vanderbijlpark alumni

At the heart of the North-West University (NWU) lies a distinctive spirit of a meaningful shared sense of belonging.

Add to this the pride and loyalty of the members of the extended university community and you understand why year-on-year graduates go out in the wider world with not only a spirit of deep rooted purpose, but also a vigour to…

Faculty boasts new deputy dean for research and innovation

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences recently welcomed Prof Babs Surujlal as the newly appointed deputy dean for research and innovation.

Prof Surujlal’s journey of lifelong learning took off in 1981 upon receiving a Junior Secondary Education Diploma at the Springfield College of Education. He…

NWU Vanderbijlpark celebrates cream of matriculant crop

This year the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark welcomed not only a record number of first-year students, but also the cream of the matriculant crop of the South Gauteng region.

During a recent celebratory event, members of the campus management took time out of their busy schedules to meet up with the top 30 members…

Bean Counting Day 2018 – calling all aspiring accountants

Did you know that according to the National Development Plan (NDP), accounting is not only viewed as a scarce skill within the public service delivery arena, but is also regarded as a vehicle to overcome poverty and inequality?

With this in mind the School of Accounting Sciences on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in…