Vanderbijlpark Campus News

Campus community steps into slippers to support seriously ill children

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Student Counselling and Development (SCD) division on the Vanderbijlpark Campus rallied up staff and students to support Slipper Day on 31 May.

Slipper Day is an annual fundraising event organised by Reach For A Dream that sees everyone from school children to corporate teams wear their slippers and Slipper Day stickers – all in support of seriously ill children who are in desperate need of hope and encouragement.

The theme for this year's Slipper Day was "Step into My Slippers," focusing on empathy, fun and stepping into the shoes of… Read more

Basketball Tournament a slam dunk

Administrators, players and supporters are in agreement that the fourth annual Sasol/NWU Vanderbijlpark Senior Basketball Tournament was not only a showcase of exceptional talent, but also a well-organised event.

The tournament – which represents a collaborative venture between the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark…

Uncertain times call for servant leadership – NWU Alumni Business Breakfast

South Africa is experiencing turbulent times. The economy is growing too slowly to address the challenges of inequality, unemployment and poverty. On the political front social tensions are mounting and transformation – be it in the public and private sector – is seen as not realising fast enough.

Add to this the collapse of key state-owned…

NWU Optentia: research with relevance and impact

The mission of North-West University’s (NWU’s) Optentia research focus area is to develop and organise knowledge for the optimal expression of individual, social and institutional potential, with specific interest in the African context.

But what does this mean and why is their research important to South Africa?

The United Nations…

Competitive intelligence guru talks strategy

Students who recently attended the North-West University’s School for Business and Governance MBA-summer school at the campus in Potchefstroom, was treated to a presentation on competitive intelligence by world-renowned expert, Prof Jonathan Calof.

Prof Calof is a full professor of strategy and international business at the Telfer School of…

UARM talks risk culture with NWDC

When it comes to expertise the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Centre for Applied Risk Management (UARM) is regarded as the frontrunner in the behavioural risk management field, and specifically on the pertinent topic of risk culture.

Just recently the centre – which resides within the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences on the NWU’…

CEO of Thabo Mbeki Foundation to discuss SA’s current affairs

Who better to share his take on the current state of South Africa’s affairs than a Constitutional Law expert and judge of the High Court? 

On Thursday, 1 March 2018, Max Boqwana, who is also the chief executive officer (CEO) of the Thabo Mbeki Foundation, will be the keynote speaker at the annual Alumni Business Breakfast of the North-West…

Eye-tracking technology opens up new possibilities for work and play

Living in the year 2018 and considering how fast technology is evolving, it is safe to say that change can happen in the blink of an eye. The School of Languages on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark is looking to the future and using eye-tracking technology to bring about real change in the way people work and play.…

All systems go for Sasol/NWU Vanderbijlpark Basketball Tournament

It is all systems go for the fourth annual Sasol/NWU Vanderbijlpark Senior Basketball Tournament that will take place from 2 to 4 March 2018.

Sasol, an international integrated chemicals and energy company, will be the main sponsor of the event during which teams from across South Africa and the greater continent will take to the court to…

EWA 2018: leading the charge for female entrepreneurs


It is no secret. Successful entrepreneurs all have one thing in common: well established networks. This holds true for both men and women, but more so for the latter.

With this in mind the Enterprising Women Association (EWA) – representative of all former participants of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Enterprising Women…

NWU research niche area joins engineering faculty

The new year brings with it fresh challenges and opportunities, and in the case of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Multilingual Speech Technology research group, also an exciting announcement. As from January 2018 the research group – better known as MuST – has officially joined the ranks of the Faculty of Engineering.

As a research…