Natural and Agricultural Sciences

Academic completes international training in nuclear forensic methodologies

Amid plans to establish a nuclear forensic and crime scene management laboratory at the North-West University (NWU), a senior member of the Centre for Applied Radiation Science and Technology (CARST) in Mahikeng has undergone specialist training in Karlsruhe, Germany.

Dr Tebogo Gilbert Kupi, who leads the university’s nuclear forensics initiatives, took part in the International Training Course on Nuclear Forensic Methodologies from 14 to 25 October 2024.

Submitted on Thu, 12/05/2024 - 09:13

North-West University at the forefront of agricultural innovation

Crop production in South Africa is overshadowed by storm clouds, and not the type that farmers crave. A multitude of uncertainties combine to darken prospects for the country’s crop farmers, which include climate change, water shortages, soil degradation, disease, economic instability and infrastructure and energy restrictions.

That is why researchers at the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences of the North-West University (NWU) pursue active solutions for the country’s most critical agricultural issues.

Submitted on Tue, 12/03/2024 - 09:44

Society of Atmospheric Sciences awards highest honour in the field to NWU researcher

In a world of extreme climate change where air pollution is rife and people’s health is at stake, it has become paramount to predict the impact of chemical processes within the Earth’s atmosphere to plan measures for the future. A researcher at the North-West University (NWU) has made it his life’s labour to study atmospheric sciences.

Submitted on Mon, 12/02/2024 - 08:59

Botany professor and leading scholar on forbs publishes in respected journal series

Prof Frances Siebert from the subject group Botany at the North-West University (NWU) was recently invited to publish in the Annual Reviews journal series.

This paper is the first from the NWU’s Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management (UESM) in this highly regarded publication series on ecology, evolution and systematics.

Submitted on Fri, 11/29/2024 - 09:06

Academy of Science of South Africa honours professor of Radio Chemistry as a top scholar

Nuclear technology is a powerful instrument, and research has shown that it can have a significant impact on disease prevention and treatment. An extraordinary professor at the North-West University (NWU) and specialist in nuclear technology – in radiochemistry in particular – is one of 44 leading scholars and scientists to be inaugurated as new members of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf).

Submitted on Tue, 11/26/2024 - 11:09

NWU researchers publish South Africa's first space biology article

The first space biology article has been published in South Africa, marking an important advancement for African space science – and potentially for the world.

The article, based on a study of young earthworms exposed to various hypergravity conditions for eight days, was authored by researchers at the North-West University (NWU). For earthworms to reach space, they have to withstand hypergravity during launch and decelerations.

Submitted on Thu, 11/14/2024 - 13:14

Newly launched book set to revolutionise the aquatic world

The Water Research Group in the Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management (UESM) at the North-West University (NWU) launched Prof Paul Skelton’s new edition of the book titled Freshwater Fishes of Southern Africa – A Complete Guide on Monday, 4 November.

The book launch marked the anniversary of the NWU’s longstanding partnership with the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (NRF-SAIAB).

Submitted on Wed, 11/13/2024 - 09:16

Use of African plants and indigenous knowledge in managing diabetes

Research from the North-West University (NWU) and partner institutions has highlighted the role of African plants and indigenous knowledge in managing diabetes mellitus, a chronic and potentially fatal metabolic disorder affecting millions globally. 

The study, published in the journal Diabetology, explains how traditional practices provide an alternative to conventional medications used to treat diabetes.

Submitted on Thu, 11/07/2024 - 14:50

Climatology conference highlights severity of climate change

It has happened. The world is 1,5 degrees Celsius warmer than it was in preindustrial times. A threshold has been breached, and the times they are a-changin’.

When Prof Francois Engelbrecht, president of the South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences (SASAS), opened the 38th Annual Conference of the South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences at the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University (NWU), he did so in a sombre tone, even with a sense of disbelief. Because history has been made for the wrong reasons.

Submitted on Tue, 11/05/2024 - 15:05

Celebrating 10 years of excellence in applied risk management

The Centre for Applied Risk Management (UARM) at the North-West University (NWU) recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of its master’s-degree programme in behavioural risk work.

The theme, "Celebrating 10 years of excellence in applied risk management", was inspired by the programme’s pioneering role in offering an applied risk management course in South Africa. At the time it was introduced, only two other universities abroad offered a similar course, making the NWU's initiative a significant milestone in the region.

Submitted on Mon, 10/28/2024 - 12:42