Student life News

Delegation from Kogakkan University share insight into new team-teaching style

A delegation from Kogakkan University on the island of Mie, Japan, visited the Vanderbijlpark Campus of the North-West University (NWU) from 20 to 24 February 2023 to demonstrate their new team-teaching style – Lesson Study Approach (LSA).

This teaching style, developed by Kogakkan University, is aimed at preservice teachers as part of…

NWU Eagles trample Shimlas

There was silence, except for the death rattle reverberating across the Fanie du Toit sports ground. This was not how it was supposed to start, was it? With barely a minute gone, the University of the Free State (UFS) Shimlas had already crossed the whitewash in their Varsity Cup clash against the North-West University (NWU) Eagles in…

NWU Debating Union hosts annual first-year debate tournament

The North-West University (NWU) Debating Union on the Mahikeng Campus is dedicated to maintaining the existing skills of public speaking, debating, and critical thinking, and cultivating and maturing these skills in those who would like to learn.

This is according to Kgopotso Sekgobela, chairperson of the union.

The union has…

There is nothing small about nanotechnology at the North-West University

One thousand-millionth of a metre. Or, to put it differently: one billionth of a metre. This unfathomably small number is called a nanometre and the world of nanotechnology operates at between 1 and 100 nanometres. This is also where the North-West University (NWU) is unearthing new ways to combat disease, to help protect the environment and to…

NWU’s Vanderbijlpark Campus honours long-serving staff members

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Vanderbijlpark Campus recently hosted a long-service awards ceremony to honour and acknowledge staff members who have served the institution with loyalty, dedication and hard work for 10 years and more.

The event has become a highly anticipated occasion, and this year more than 40 staff members were…

NWU academic receives Friedrich-Schiller Universitat Excellence Research award

North-West University (NWU) academic Prof Erhabor Idemudia has been awarded the 2023 Friedrich-Schiller Universitat Excellence Research award.

He received this award in recognition of his excellent research track record and respected global and international research reputation.

Prof Idemudia’s research focus covers…

NWU campus unveils lecture hall complex

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Vanderbijlpark Campus recently celebrated the completion of the new Lecture Hall Complex as part of the official academic opening that took place on 23 February 2023.

Positioned at the heart of the campus and designed by multi-award-winning architects Mathews & Associates Architects, the building…

NWU alumnus recognised for his role in sport

The Department of Arts, Culture, Sports, and Recreation, in collaboration with the North West Sports Confederation, recently honoured North-West University (NWU) alumnus Keorapetse Mashimo for his contribution to sport.

He was announced the Sports Volunteer of the Year as well as Sports Administrator of the Year during the North West…

Panellists ponder post-Budget recession risks in South Africa

If the elevated fiscal risks outlined in the Budget speech on 22 February 2023 were to materialise, the South African economy could well drift into a recession later this year, said a panel of experts in discussing the Budget in an NWU Business School Pitso today. Questions put to the panel were whether the 2023 Budget responded adequately to a…

Riaan Genis: This is his time

It was as unexpected as a lightning bolt on a sunny day. The North-West University (NWU) Eagles were playing against Wits in a warm-up game a few months ago.

Talismanic captain Ruan “Sampie” Swiegers was leading the charge. The tighthead prop had cemented his position as the Eagles’ de facto leader, having captained the Eagles during…