Research News

Gaining momentum as a unitary institution in 2020

“It is a new decade and with it comes the opportunity to define ourselves as agents of excellence and impact.”

This is what Prof Dan Kgwadi, the North-West University’s (NWU’s) principal and vice-chancellor, said during the university’s recent official academic opening ceremony

He emphasized the NWU’s bold dream to be an…

Dire need for research to improve child literacy

It is no secret that language development is a critical part of a child’s overall development. Sadly, the lack of this development and the terrible effects this may have on one’s life are often overlooked.

Prof Leenta Grobler, leader of the Medical Device Development group at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of…

NWU alumnus’ project impresses at Royal Academy of Engineering

North-West University (NWU) Alumnus Sydwell Sihlangu recently attended the Leaders in Innovation Fellowship training programme on technology commercialisation from 18 January to 1 February 2020 at the Royal Academy of Engineering in the United Kingdom.

This academy brings together the most successful and talented engineers from across…

Mathew’s long journey to academic victory

Dr Mathew Moyo, the North-West University’s (NWU’s) chief director for library and information services, was recently appointed as a board member of the National Council for Library and Information Services (NCLIS).

“I am very honoured and grateful for this opportunity,” says Dr Moyo, adding that he was taken by surprise when he…

Hypertension is clouding the joys of childhood

Childhood is normally associated with health, playfulness and a phase in life without worries or fear. However, this ideal definition of childhood is becoming cluttered with unwanted risk factors linked to the early development of cardiovascular disease, especially in South Africa.

Global data on the prevalence of high blood pressure…

Emotional and psychological effect of crime is complex

The crime figures that Statistics South Africa released during 2019 paint a grim picture. Most South Africans live in fear, not knowing if they will fall prey to criminals. Victims of violent crimes not only lose their material possessions, but can also suffer significant emotional and psychological trauma.

However, hard as it might be to…

NWU student brings hope to community cattle farmers

A North-West University (NWU) PhD student has spent the last six years studying how the occurrence of reproductive conditions in cows can be prevented, thereby improving the fortunes of communal cattle farmers.

Keitiretse Molefe will graduate at the campus in Mahikeng in April 2020, and feels blessed to have been part of the research…

Game on: puzzle video games may grow critical thinking skills

The notion that playing video games is for the intellectually idle is widely held but might not be accurate. Research suggests that certain types of game play can in fact strengthen a range of cognitive, critical thinking and reasoning skills, according to Dr Byron Bunt of the North-West University’s (NWU) Faculty of Education.


Unique research into Afrikaans #**! words

Many would argue that there is nothing like an Afrikaans swear word if you really want to get something off your chest; now the Faculty of Humanities at the North-West University (NWU) is conducting a unique multidisciplinary research project on Afrikaans swear words and related phenomena.

The NWU is undertaking the project in…

Breast is best

Breastmilk is known as a superfood that provides babies with immune-building power and brain-boosting properties. When new moms with premature infants cannot express milk, human milk banks (HMB) come to the rescue.

Researchers at the North-West University (NWU) recently conducted a multi-disciplinary study titled “Stakeholder…