Human Interest News

NWU: Education is how we let our youth thrive and flourish

As time passes, words are watered down and phrases lose their meaning. Wisdom passes into obscurity as repetition creates clichés. This is where we are now. Do we still listen when we hear “youth” and “future”? The North-West University (NWU) believes that these two words – together – should not only feature prominently in every vocabulary, but…

Kgomotso aims to promote the human resources field

Kgomotso Mache, a second-year human resource management student was recently elected as chairperson of the North-West University (NWU) South African Board for People Practices (SABPP) student chapter at a prestigious ceremony at the NWU Potchefstroom Campus.

Besides electing the new SABPP student chapter committee, students who…

From humble beginnings to the grand stage

Sisikelelwe Mngenela, a second-year student pursuing a BA degree in music and society at the North-West University (NWU), has recently been granted a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attend the prestigious BelCantoBootCamp (BCBC).

The BCBC is a programme designed to bring together…

Researcher secures place of parasites on red list for endangered species

Parasites. Just uttering the word may send shivers down the spine, conjuring up images of rapidly proliferating organisms devouring or destroying other species. A celebrated researcher from the North-West University (NWU) hopes to change those perceptions.

Credited with playing a crucial role in global conservation efforts to protect…

Focus on innovation: from ideation to commercialisation

The Technology Transfer and Innovation Support (TTIS) Office of the North-West University (NWU) is leading the charge in ensuring that innovation remains at the forefront of its activities and across all spheres of the institution.

In this second video installment (watch the first video here), we look specifically at research and…

Cutting back on bush encroachment

Bush encroachment is a global challenge, but through the multi-million rand RIBS project, this major contributor to land degradation is being tackled with renewed vigour.

RIBS is an acronym for “Rangeland Improvement through Bush Control and Sustainable Intensification to mitigate Climate Change and improve Livelihoods and Food Security…

Taiwanese representative visits NWU

On Tuesday 13 June, representative Oliver Liao from the Taipei Liaison Office in the Republic of South Africa visited the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Potchefstroom Campus for a tour of the DST HySA Infrastructure Centre of Competence. This centre is co-hosted by the NWU and the Council for Scientific and Instustrial Research (CSIR).

Major grant furthers collaborative research in the Humanities

Two researchers from the North-West University (NWU) have received a special grant that will boost their collaborative research nationally and internationally.

Dr Yolandi Coetser and Dr Laura Phillips, researchers from the Social Transformation research focus area at the NWU, each received nearly a million rand in funding from the…

NWU alumnus puts her best foot forward

North-West University (NWU) alumnus Refiloe Mohono collaborated in establishing a shoe and foot care brand known as Complete Comfort.

This brand offers three sprays designed specifically for shoes and foot care.

The flagship product of Complete Comfort is a natural antifungal, antibacterial and antiseptic shoe and foot spray. It…

Practitioners learn about the power of music

By Menziwa Msibi

Music plays an important role in early childhood development. It enhances cognitive abilities, support language development, promotes social and motor skills and nurture creativity and imagination, among others.

This is why the NWU recently hosted a workshop for practitioners from…