Human Interest News

FIH Women’s Hockey Junior World Cup a huge success

Bertie Jacobs

The Netherlands won, but hockey triumphed. When the final whistle blew on Tuesday, 12 April, it was the Dutch fans who cheered and the players clad in orange who celebrated as the Netherlands beat Germany conclusively 3–1 in the final of the FIH Women’s Hockey Junior World Cup at the Astroturf of…

NWU to celebrate World Intellectual Property Day

Phenyo Mokgothu

The Technology Transfer & Innovation Support (TTIS) Office at the North-West University (NWU) will be hosting events at all three NWU campuses to celebrate World Intellectual Property (IP) Day this year.

NWU’s Ikateleng on the up-and-up three decades later

After offering much-needed assistance to thousands of learners to get them ready for higher education, the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Ikateleng project is going from strength to strength.

Ikateleng – which means to empower yourself – provides supplementary teaching in mathematics, economics, business studies, accounting, life…

Understanding the world of homeless people suffering from mental illness

Phenyo Mokgothu

Globally, one of the main causes of street homelessness is chronic mental illness, and South Africa is no different. Researchers from the North-West University (NWU) have some recommendations on how the plight of these vulnerable people can be…

New grant to target global killer

Bertie Jacobs

Malaria is a global killer, a disease that destroys human lives and the economies of countries in which it thrives.

According to the latest figures by the World Health Organization (WHO), there were 241 million cases of malaria in 2020, with an estimated 627 000…

NWU residences go green

Mafumane Tlhapi

The vegetable gardens of two student residences on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus - the Kgosi Dick Montshioa and Mbada residences -  are now starting to bear fruit.

The project, which started in 2019, is led by…

NWU academic and Fulbright Fellowship holder doing ground-breaking cancer research

Phenyo Mokgothu

North-West University (NWU) academic in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Prof Mulunda Mwanza, has been selected and awarded the prestigious Fulbright Visiting Scholar Fellowship, and is currently based at…

Non-fungible tokens: Why all the buzz?

Bertie Jacobs

A new acronym has entered our lexicon: NFT. NFT stands for non-fungible token, which, in itself, does not say very much. What NFTs are, is money. Big money. And it is changing the world of digital commerce.

Firstly, non-fungible means that an item cannot be…

NWU launches disability awareness campaign: Take a few steps in my shoes

Mafumane Tlhapi

The Student Campus Council in collaboration with the Disability Rights Unit on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus recently held a two-day disability awareness event.

 Themed “Take a few steps in my shoes”, the main objective of the…

Visually impaired Cornelle and her guide dog Vogue graduate

Bertie Jacobs

“‘Vogue’, as in the magazine,” is how Cornelle Leach describes the name of her pitch-black Labrador bitch. Vogue, who excitedly barked at her very first tortoise in the Botanical Gardens the other day. Five-year-old Vogue who recently grabbed a small boy’s ice cream from…