Faculties News

Here comes the next generation of eco-warriors

The future of the planet may not be as gloomy as many predict. A North-West University (NWU) researcher is doing her part to groom a new generation of eco-warriors armed with the knowledge and commitment to combat water scarcity and other challenges linked to climate change.

Dr Irene Muller of the Faculty of Education is on a mission. By…

NWU's Engineering still at the forefront

A great honour was recently bestowed upon the North-West University's (NWU’s) Faculty of Engineering when their programme in mineral processing has been named under the top 100 best programs in the world in this field.

This announcement was made by the Academic Ranking of World Universities, also known as the Shanghai Rankings. It…

NWU Faculty of Law leads with legal giants

The North-West University’s (NWU’) Faculty of Law at the campus in Mahikeng stands on the shoulders of giants, associating itself with various experts in the legal fraternity.

The faculty recently conferred honorary Doctorates of Law on individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the country and in the legal environment…

NWU researcher impress with engineering excellencees

Prof Jan de Kock is an engineer that excels and who makes a difference. His excellence and involvement in the engineering industry was rewarded during the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers’ (SAIEE) recent 107th Annual Banquet.

According to the SAIEE president, Dr Hendri Geldenhuys, an Engineering Excellence award is…

NWU keeps its teaching environment relevant

The only thing that is constant is change. To keep up with change, the NWU often updates the content of its academic programmes.

As a strategic initiative to ensure relevant and up-to-date study modules and programmes for students, the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) has launched various…

Three keys unlock Loerie success for students

 The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential; these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence and this was proved to be true when the Graphic Design students from the North West University yet again showcased their excellence at the 40th Annual Loerie Awards which took place in Durban on…

Employment drive sets transport students on their way

The latest unemployment statistics released by StatsSA indicate that the official unemployment figure rose to 27,5 % in the third quarter, up from 27,2 % in the second quarter of this year.

With at least 6,2 million unemployed South Africans – mainly young people – the North-West University (NWU) is forging ahead with…

Tool for talent risk management may retain academics

The voluntary turnover rate of academics ranges between 41 and 63% and at least 6 000 new academics are required to replace retiring academics within the next five years.

These research statistics and estimates do not look good, do they? Fortunately a recent doctoral research study has shone the light on talent management with a view…

Social service information is just an app away for senior citizens

On a dusty street of a village in the North West Province a group of 12-year-olds are cheering each other on as they play kgati, an indigenous game using a skipping rope. As the game intensifies one of them hears her grandmother shouting from the kitchen, requesting her to go to their ward counsellor’s house and ask if social grants will be paid…

SA’s fiscal arithmetic and growth outlook remain weak and vulnerable

The economic and fiscal strategies outlined in Tito Mboweni’s 2018 medium term budget policy statement (MTBPS) on 24 October 2018 are likely to have a mixed impact on business and the markets, given the constraints governing the fiscal framework.

Although facing an unenviable task, the Finance Minister…