Community News

Well-being, performance and the challenges of modern life

 Is there really a problem?

The benefits of exercise, a healthy diet and a balanced lifestyle are undisputed in modern life, and the positive impact these have on well-being and performance is no secret.

Yet obesity and weight problems have reached epidemic proportions globally. According to the World Health Organisation, at…

Lockdown offers challenges to autists

 “The current coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent lockdown have disrupted routines unexpectedly and overwhelmingly. This has caused concern across the world about the impact on the mental health of not only adults, but also of children.”

Hanlie Degenaar, a senior speech-language therapist at the Institute of Psychology and…

NWU’s Avuyile is flexing his muscles like childhood-hero Arnie

The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Avuyile Ndzimela is living his dream of being a top bodybuilder, and in the process he is paying homage to his childhood hero, Arnold Schwarzenegger, in more ways than one.

Like his idol, the 21-year-old BA student in Public Administration and Governance at the Vanderbijlpark Campus not only shines in…

Covid-19 pandemic places goalpost dreams on ice for now

Like for so many sports people the Covid-19 pandemic has called a halt to the rugby dreams of the 20-year-old Hugo Scott of the North-West University (NWU). This crack scrum half of the first rugby team on the Vanderbijlpark Campus was, among other things, looking forward to representing the campus in the company of his older brother, Hardus (23…

Experiencing the distance.

Who could have guessed that distance education would be the compass of 2020! This is not only the alley for students and lecturers alike, but it opened up new horizons with unending possibilities and ongoing potential in the world of technological communication.

Covid-19 is the new buzz word, and within days the big C became the…

NWU engineers tutor prospective students

Life can be difficult for Grade 11 and 12 learners who have to master challenging subjects such as mathematics in their final years in high school. It can even be more trying when a coronavirus pandemic and its resulting lockdown are added to the mix.

Because mathematics is essential for a career in the engineering sciences, the NWU…

NWU’s hands-on Chemistry experts produces sanitisers

Amid the global pandemic hand washing with soap or using sanitiser has become one of the top measures recommended to help curb the spread of the virus, creating unprecedented levels of demand for alcohol-based sanitisers.

In response, four academics and two laboratory technicians in the subject group Chemistry at the North-West…

Three NWU alumni among the top 35 Miss South Africa contestants

A beauty pageant is defined as a competition that judges its contestants on their physical beauty. However, over the past few years these pageants have developed a different image.

The Miss South Africa competition is a leadership platform for ambitious young South African women. Through the pageant process, contestants receive world-…

NWU hosts online concert for all

The North-West University (NWU) understands how difficult life is at the moment for both musicians and their fans. With concert venues across the country on lockdown, the NWU has found a way for students, staff and members of the public to enjoy musical performances from the safety of their own homes.

The NWU will be hosting a virtual…

NWU hosts virtual run and cycle challenge

The North-West University (NWU) is calling on all running and cycling enthusiasts to take part in its bigger and better online sporting challenges.

On 20 June the NWU will host the second Virtual Fun Run/Walk and on 21 June the Virtual Cycle challenge for students, staff and members of the public.

“After the 5 km fun run that…