The health and well-being of men a priority

The North-West University (NWU) is calling on all men to attend the online health and wellness event on 25 June. This virtual event aims to educate men across the country about issues that affect their health and well-being so that they make better life choices.

Three researchers from the NWU will conduct in-depth discussions on high blood pressure, eating the right food, and the link between demographics and health.

Prof Ruan Kruger, holder of the South African Research Chair (SARChI) in Early Detection and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Africa, will talk about “Tackling high blood pressure for optimal cardiovascular health”, Prof Martin Palamuleni, from the Population Studies and Demography subject group, will talk about “A demographic perspective of men’s health”, and Prof Salome Kruger, from the Centre of Excellence for Nutrition, will speak on “Healthy eating for optimal health”.

“The NWU felt that it was necessary to educate its male stakeholders about the importance of being healthy and taking their health seriously. We hope this event motivates men to make the necessary lifestyle changes,” says Warren Makgowe, director of Stakeholder Relations at the NWU.

The event will be facilitated by Dr Tendayi Garutsa, a senior lecturer from the NWU’s Sociology Department.

A link to the event will also be posted on the NWU’s social media pages on Thursday at 11:00. 




Submitted on Wed, 06/24/2020 - 12:20