Community News

NWU alumnus’ off-the grid system solar system to benefit all South Africans

The future of renewable energy is evolving rapidly, bringing about significant changes. According to industry experts, this energy transition is being driven by three trends – decarbonisation, digitalisation and decentralisation.

These trends impact the power grid and lead to changes that might mean lower costs for some, but often…

Teachers without Borders inspire a new generation of scientists

The year 2020 will probably be remembered in history books for the Coronavirus and the Covid-19 pandemic that brought the entire world to a standstill. Suddenly many people learned about viruses, and how they differ from bacteria.

The unseen world of microbiology became part of our daily routines, with social distancing and sanitising…

NWU Engineering reaches out to Itsoseng Women’s Project

The Faculty of Engineering, in partnership with Dr Melinda du Toit from the Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA) at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), reached out to the Itsoseng Women’s Project in Drieziek extension, Orange Farm township to collaborate with members and leaders of the community to address challenges identified by…

NWU Student Recruitment embraces the digital revolution

Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, the North-West University (NWU) has adopted a new digital recruitment approach.

With a large part of the world currently practising social distancing and higher education moving online, many face-to-face recruitment events for 2020 have been postponed or cancelled.


NWU’s webinar will investigate the role of African medicine during an epidemic

The North-West University (NWU), in collaboration with the Namibia University of Science and Technology, will be hosting a research webinar on 6 August 2020.

The guest speaker at the webinar – themed “The Future of African Medicine in Epidemic Preparedness and Response” – will be Dr Aunkh H Chabalala, director of the Indigenous…

NWU alumna and deputy speaker strives to be a role model for young girls

According to the African Union’s Youth Charter young people between the ages of 15 and 35 make up more than 35% of Africa’s total population.

In countries such as Ghana, Uganda, Nigeria and South Africa young people are rising through the ranks of government, and making history.

These young role models give hope and…

NWU Disability Rights Unit assists disabled students during lockdown

The Covid-19 pandemic has fundamentally disrupted teaching-learning activities in South Africa and across the globe. It has changed lives, mindsets and the way communities and societies interact, study and go about their daily business.

While the pandemic threatens all members of society, the impact on persons with disabilities are…

New director takes the helm at SADiLAR

The South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, SADiLaR, on the campus of the North-West University (NWU) in Potchefstroom, has a new centre director. Prof Langa Khumalo will take the reins from 1 August. SADiLar is a research infrastructure funded by the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) as part of the South African…

NWU donates much-needed hand sanitisers to schools

With no vaccine in sight for Covid-19, a number of countries are under a lot of economic pressure, trying to lessen the impact of the pandemic. Over the last few months South African businesses and citizens have come together to assist the less fortunate, with food, medical supplies, clothes and toiletries.

The Faculty of Natural and…

Early childhood development rises from the (tr)ash

It is a fact that many children find themselves in barren school classes and playgrounds because their parents, educators and caregivers are often unaware of the importance of providing opportunities for purposeful play in the early years.

Fortunately, researchers from the North-West University (NWU) are joining forces with…