Academic News

NWU alumnus’ research looks at commuter transportation challenges

By Ontiretse Motingwa

Dineo Nakedi, a North-West University (NWU) transport economics honours graduate, conducted research on the need to establish efficient public transportation in non-metropolitan areas.

The title of her study is “Identifying the challenges faced by a commuter train in non-…

NWU study looks at the need to revive Mahikeng Airport

According to Statistics South Africa, the demand for air transport has been increasing for the past decade in South Africa. This is due to an increase in physical activity and major economic development in different cities across the country.

North-West University (NWU) transport economics graduate Amantle Gaokgorwe investigated the…

NWU hosts International Water-Climate Summer School

The North-West University (NWU) in collaboration with WATERnet and Baleware (Bridging Africa, Latin America, and Europe on Water and Renewable Energies Applications), is hosting an International Water-Climate Summer School from 4 to 18 October 2022.

The summer school is a hybrid, interactive, transdisciplinary event aimed at…

From the sports field to the stage

By Ontiretse Motingwa

For North-West University (NWU) alumnus, Oreneile Mosupyoe, variety is the spice of life.

Oreneile studied sports science but swopped the sports field for the stage when he got into pageantry. He has since won several titles, with the most recent being Mr Tshwane Regions…

NWU alumnus shines bright at teaching awards

Khululwa Nosipho Shibane, North-West University (NWU) alumnus and an educator at Christinah School for the Blind and Partially Sighted, came second in the category Excellence in Special Needs Teaching in the North West provincial segment of the National Teaching Awards that took place on 7 October 2022.

This was not her first accolade.…

Hard work paves the way to the high court

By Ontiretse Motingwa

Her hard work and perseverance have paid off – Refilwe Tsatsimpe, North-West University (NWU) alumnus and lecturer in the Faculty of Law on the Mahikeng Campus since 2019, was recently admitted to the high court.

Refilwe, who is from Itsoseng, a town near Mahikeng, says she wanted…

North-West University students spell their way to victory

On the 19th and 20th of September 2022, students from different faculties in the North-West University participated in the 1st Annual inter-faculty spelling bee competition.

The purpose of this event was to promote the different languages that are officially recognised in the NWU as well as to also ensure that the NWU brand also…

Developing and validating parentage verification tests for lovebirds

The better the pedigree of certain parrots kept as pets, the more popular and expensive they are in the marketplace. As a result, buyers and sellers alike have an interest in knowing the parentage of the birds concerned, and this is especially the case with lovebirds, says Prof Rencia van der Sluis, senior lecturer in the North-West University’…

A fitting farewell for NWU’s Tshiamo on her way to International Worldskills competition

The North West Provincial Department hosted a farewell ceremony for North-West University (NWU) nursing student and winner of the national WorldSkills South Africa Occupational Standards competition, Tshiamo Mokgoetsi, on 7 October 2022.

Tshiamo will represent South Africa at the International WorldSkills competition in Bordeaux,…

Spelling checker tool for SA languages now available to download for free

The Spelling Checkers for South African Languages, a spelling and hyphenation checker tool for ten of South Africa’s official languages, excluding English, is now available to download for free from the website of the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources (SADiLaR).

This tool was developed by the Centre for Text Technology…