Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence

The postgraduate students (honours and master’s degree) of the Centre for Business Mathematics and Informatics (CBMI) were treated to a transformative workshop on emotional intelligence on Friday, 8 March 2024. The workshop is part of a series of engagements presented by ABSA to assist the North-West University (NWU) in preparing the students for the work environment.

Facilitated by Dr Sharon Gabrielides, a speaker, coach and author at Key Steps Corporate Training, the webinar focused on the power of emotional intelligence in the workplace. Discussions around the practical strategies to aid students in navigating the complexities of the modern workplace were held throughout the session. The practical strategies included managing stress and building meaningful relationships.

According to Prof Helgard Raubenheimer, director of the CBMI, emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role in personal and emotional success. He added: “By fostering emotional intelligence, we equip our students with the essential skills to effectively manage relationships, communicate with clarity and empathy, resolve conflicts constructively, and adapt to changing environments.

“These are qualities that are highly sought after by employers across various industries. By investing in soft skills training, we are investing in the success and well-being of our students, both on their academic journey and beyond.”

The students were empowered with innovative knowledge to tackle the encounters that they could face in their professional careers.

Dr Sharon Gabrielides’s “heart was full” after the overwhelmingly positive feedback on the seminar and she said the impact of the workshop will resonate beyond the walls of the lecture halls.


The students’ positive feedback on the emotional intelligence webinar.

Submitted on Wed, 04/03/2024 - 10:52