Natural and Agricultural Sciences

Conserving African biodiversity through genomics has a food security link

Using genomics to understand and protect the African continent’s biodiversity could improve the resilience of plants, animals and other life forms to climate change, with a knock-on effect on food security, says North-West University (NWU) researcher Dr Roksana Majewska.

She and fellow researchers at the African BioGenome Project (AfricaBP) have undertaken to safeguard and preserve African genomic biodiversity through an Africa-led effort to sequence the genomes of plants, animals, fungi and protists that are endemic to the continent.

Submitted on Mon, 03/28/2022 - 16:24

NWU academic elected President of African Astronomical Society

Phenyo Mokgothu

Prof Thebe Rodney Medupe, North-West University (NWU) academic and deputy dean for community engagement and stakeholder relations in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, has been elected as the president of the African Astronomical Society (AfAS).

Prof Medupe was elected during the society’s General Assembly on 18 March 2022, which formed part of AfAS's hybrid conference that took place from 14 to 18 March.

Submitted on Tue, 03/22/2022 - 14:56

NWU and Universität Duisburg-Essen develop early warning tool for metal pollution in fresh water

Researchers from North-West University (NWU) and Universität Duisburg-Essen in Germany have developed an early warning tool for metal pollution in freshwater systems worldwide.

This research achievement is a collaboration between the Water Research Group, the NWU led by Prof Nico Smit and Prof Victor Wepener and the Universität Duisburg-Essen’s Aquatische Ökologie (Aquatic Ecology) Group, led by Prof Bernd Sures and Dr Sonja Zimmerman.

The project is funded by the National Research Foundation and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Submitted on Tue, 03/15/2022 - 14:12

Blood parasites in African wild dogs are becoming more prevalent

Blood parasites were recently shown to be highly prevalent in African wild dog populations, according to Dr Edward Netherlands and colleagues from the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences at the North-West University (NWU).

Their study on blood parasites of species of Hepatozoon indicates that these parasites are common in African wild dog or painted wolf (Lycaon pictus) populations.

Submitted on Thu, 02/17/2022 - 21:21

Top service award for NWU astronomer

The United Kingdom’s Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) has presented its 2022 Service Award for Astronomy to Prof Don Kurtz of the North-West University (NWU).

"I am delighted to be recognised by the RAS for my outreach and service activities over my 55-year career," says Prof Kurtz.

He joined the NWU’s Mahikeng Campus as extraordinary professor in 2021, and has an A1 research rating from the South African National Research Foundation.

Submitted on Fri, 01/14/2022 - 16:23

New species named in honour of NWU academic

According to Sir David Attenborough, who has at least 17 species named in his honour, having a species named after you is the “biggest of compliments that you could ask from any scientific community.” 

Internationally acclaimed North-West University (NWU) researcher, Prof Nico Smit was recently complimented in such a way.

Researchers from the Queensland Museum in Australia and the Prince of Songkhla University in Thailand named a new species of cirolanid isopod in his honour.

Submitted on Thu, 02/17/2022 - 08:52