Press Release

This is why Cape Town is ruling the tourism roost

  • Ensuring tourists feel safe – and are safe – plays an integral role in ensuring Cape Town and the Western Cape’s success as a tourist destination.
  • Other cities and regions would be wise to follow Cape Town and the Western Cape’s tourism blueprint.
  • Local governments and tourism authorities should work with the private sector as a thriving tourism sector not only creates jobs, but has numerous nature conservation advantages.

Safety, proactive cooperation between various role players, accessibility and, again, safety.

Submitted on Thu, 09/28/2023 - 14:05

Africa’s stomach is empty and the hunger is growing

The continent is ravaged by a host of factors inhibiting food security and is trapped in what a recent report by the World Bank calls “the perfect storm”. Its consequences are disastrous. The Covid-19 pandemic was followed by the war in the Ukraine, which has led to severe food and fertiliser shortages. Now, Africa is in the midst of a tempest of increased debt and inflation, as well as the effects of climate change. The World Bank states that at least one in five Africans goes to bed hungry, and that about 140 million people in Africa are in a food insecurity stranglehold.

Submitted on Mon, 09/18/2023 - 11:49

Prof Bismark Tyobeka: Africa needs to make use of the global sports stage

The IRB Rugby World Cup (RWC) kicks off on Friday, 8 September when the host nation, France, takes on three-time champions New Zealand, as these sides clash in Stade de France, Saint-Denis. As always, the world will be watching. The previous tournament – which South Africa won – was held in Japan in 2019 and was the most-watched rugby event in the history of the game, with more than 857 million people tuning in from around the globe.

Submitted on Thu, 09/07/2023 - 09:35

Home-grown vaccine demonstrates 100% protection against tuberculosis

In an intriguing joint announcement, the Walter Sisulu and North-West universities unveiled the astounding results of their preclinical trials for a groundbreaking combination vaccine against tuberculosis (TB) and Covid-19. The universities reported an unprecedented 100% protection in vaccinated animals – a significant step forwards in the unrelenting battle against tuberculosis, one of the world's most devastating diseases.

Submitted on Thu, 08/24/2023 - 21:15

NWU’s Prof Bismark Tyobeka: We need to invest in nuclear expertise, or lose it

The global energy dependency clock is ticking, and in South Africa it is doing so at a dizzying pace. What started as an impending energy crisis more than a decade ago has morphed into a situation that can only be described as akin to an irrevocable catastrophe. According to Prof Bismark Tyobeka, principal and vice-chancellor of the North-West University (NWU), stagnation in the country’s decision-making process is no longer an option.

Submitted on Wed, 08/16/2023 - 10:38

NWU Vice-Chancellor’s Science Day: Empowering young minds

The North-West University (NWU) hosted its inaugural Vice-Chancellor’s Science Day on 31 July 2023 at Mabeskraal near Rustenburg as part of National Science Week.

This landmark event served as a platform for fostering partnerships and collaboration among educational institutions, government departments, private companies, communities, and other stakeholders in the North West province.

Submitted on Tue, 08/01/2023 - 12:46

Another accreditation accolade for the NWU’s School of Accounting Sciences

The School of Accounting Sciences at the North-West University (NWU) has once again distinguished itself as an indisputable leader in its field with the recent announcement by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) that the school’s Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Accountancy has been accredited for the purposes of SAICA’s Associate General Accountant [AGA(SA)] designation.

Submitted on Tue, 07/18/2023 - 15:12