Feature Article (Main Article on Potchefstroom Campus News Page)

NWU designers receive Loerie and Pendoring awards

The talent and creativity of students and graduates of the Graphic Design subject group at the North-West University (NWU) have earned them recognition at the recent international Loerie Awards and national Pendoring Awards events.

The NWU’s students and graduates have always shone in these competitions and this year is no exception. Their distinctive creativity and skills have impressed judges and secured them two silver Pendoring awards, a Pendoring craft gold certificate, three Pendoring craft certificates and a bronze Loerie award.

Submitted on Fri, 11/11/2022 - 13:53

NWU Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences recognises its top achievers

By Oldrin Masowa

The Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (FNAS) on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Potchefstroom Campus recently hosted an awards ceremony in recognition of top student achievers.

During the event students were rewarded for achieving top academic results in their various modules during the first semester.

Submitted on Tue, 10/18/2022 - 12:03

Adele triumphs as NWU's Comrades queen!

Congratulations, congratulations and, once more, congratulations! History will always remember the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Dr Adele Broodryk, a senior lecturer at the School of Human Movement Sciences at the Faculty of Health Sciences, as being the first South African woman to complete the 2022 Comrades Marathon.

She also claimed the overall third position in the women's division with a time of 06:26:35. What makes this achievement even more remarkable is that it was the mother of two’s first Comrades Marathon.  

Submitted on Sun, 08/28/2022 - 18:46

Dr Anja graduated and stood out from the rest

The famous French fashion designer Coco Chanel said to be irreplaceable, one must always be different and that was definitely the case when Dr Anja Erasmus received her PhD in Environmental Science on 29 July 2022. She stood out by wearing a dress with her research printed on it.

Her journey at the NWU started in 2012 where she enrolled for her BSc degree in Tourism, Zoology, and Geography. She went on to obtain her Honours degree in Biodiversity and Conservation Ecology in 2015 and her Master’s degree in Environmental Sciences in 2017.

Submitted on Wed, 08/03/2022 - 15:06

Double the success for Fiorita twins

North-West University (NWU) students and twins Andrea and Marco Fiorita, recently received their degrees in computer and electronic engineering with distinction.

“Growing up, we were inseparable and always in cahoots. We made smoke bombs, took apart electronics around the house, build crazy contraptions and watched endless YouTube videos on how to make cool gadgets at home,” says Marko.

All these activities created an interest and stirred a love for creating and learning, and it came as no surprise when they decided to enroll for a degree in engineering.

Submitted on Thu, 05/19/2022 - 09:30

Law professor improves previous NRF rating of C to a great B

Prof Christa Rautenbach’s hard work on legal pluralism and cultural diversity finally paid off when she received a B-rating in the highly competitive rating process of the National Research Foundation (NRF).

One of her reviewers remarked that her “research is significant for legal pluralism and development in postcolonial developmental settings, where law reforms must be mindful of the continued relevance of indigenous laws”.

Submitted on Wed, 05/18/2022 - 09:36

NWU mourns the passing of Prof Barry Hanyane

It is with great sadness that the North-West University (NWU) has learned about the passing of lecturer and political analyst, associate professor Barry Rhulani Hanyane.

He died on Wednesday, 11 May at the Netcare Milpark Hospital in Johannesburg after being sick for some time.

Prof Hanyane from the Faculty of Humanities’ School of Government Studies was a revered and esteemed specialist with a keen research interest in public management and administration.

Submitted on Thu, 05/12/2022 - 11:10

NWU Business School: Rises like a phoenix

Academia’s “best kept secret” is rising like a phoenix after the pandemic. The prestigious North-West University (NWU) Business School held a Brag & Brand function in Potchefstroom on Monday, 26 April that was attended by lecturers, staff and alumni.

Prof Linda du Plessis, acting vice-chancellor of the NWU, welcomed guests and said “a good school should have legitimacy”. She boasted that the NWU Business School had achieved accreditation for another five years from the Association of MBAs.

Submitted on Fri, 04/29/2022 - 09:23