Student life News

Covid-19, the virus of uncertainty: the dominoes are falling one by one in the economy

The Covid-19 virus is causing unprecedented uncertainty on a global scale. An economist from the North-West University (NWU) says the impact of the pandemic is expected to be greater than that of the Spanish flu of a century ago.

According to Prof Danie Meyer, a development economist and director of the TRADE research focus area at…

Romeo boasts a podium finish in #ZAVentilatorChallenge

Across the globe, a major concern in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic has been a shortage of medical equipment, particularly ventilators. As the number of confirmed cases increase on a daily basis in South Africa, the private and public sectors are preparing for the anticipated need, but it is still unclear if we will have enough…

NWU alumnus: protecting footballers’ rights during lockdown

With the business of football facing major turmoil due to the worldwide impact of Covid-19, North-West University (NWU) alumnus and South African Football Professional Union (SAFPU) President Thulaganyo Gaoshubelwe says the union continues with its mandate to protect and defend football players’ rights during the pandemic.

“The Covid-…

Practical project helps communities

With the prevention of the spreading of the Covid-19 virus on everyone’s lips, the North-West University’s (NWU’s) subject group Textile Sciences came up with an innovative idea for their practical work.

These students are all making masks from different materials at home to distribute them to workers in their vicinity who are…

Covid-19 pandemic lockdown reshaping the world of work

The Covid-19lockdown has recently forced most companies to adopt a different approach to work by allowing employees to work from home.

Dr Kelebogile Paadi, a senior lecturer in the School of Industrial Psychology and Human Resource Management at the North-West University (NWU), says the new regulations introduced by companies in the…

How to resolve coronavirus food shortages

It is no secret that millions of South Africans currently suffer under the impact of the lockdown regulations introduced because of the coronavirus pandemic. The poor access to food is probably the biggest tragedy, because millions of citizens do not know where their next meal is coming from.

A Potchefstroom engineering company,…

NWU brand stores prove that charity does indeed begin at home

With the world facing an unprecedented challenge in the form of the global Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen everyone coming together to combat this pandemic. The North-West University (NWU) played its part and recently launched the NWU Covid-19 Response Fund as a means of supporting students with laptops/devices while also offering support to…

NWU’s Tinotenda: master of the basketball court

At the tender age of 10, Tinotenda Chirara fell in love … with basketball. Ever since his introduction to the sport way back in 2006, he has taken the court by storm, conquering his goals one hoop at a time.

This 24-year-old second-year BA student at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark is a modern-day Renaissance…

Now is the time when YOU can help!

Join Cobuntu and fight Covid-19 through ubuntu.

The North-West University (NWU) and the North West Department of Health are joining hands with the private sector and individuals in the fight against the coronavirus, and we need your help!

Today, as we launch this Cobuntu initiative, we aim to give the public greater access…

NWU launches campaign to support students amid Covid-19

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to disrupt and affect our lives in the most unprecedented and unpredictable ways, the North-West University has launched the NWU Covid-19 Response Fund.

“The objectives of the fund are to support the students with laptops/devices; and offer support to staff, students and the communities around our…