Student life News

NWU librarian makes treasure from trash

 Daniel Monyamane describes himself as an assistant librarian by day and an artist all the time in between.  

The 36-year-old father of three hails from Koppies, a small town in the Free State, and is a self-taught trash artist who sees beauty and value where most of us see garbage.

NWU in top 100 of Emerging Economies University Ranking

The North-West University (NWU) has once again made its mark in the international rankings with a top 100 placing ― and overall sixth place in South Africa ― in the Emerging Economies University Ranking of Times Higher Education (THE).

The NWU has an overall 97th place out of 606…

Combatting corruption: are lifestyle audits part of the answer?

Transparency, specifically in relation to uncovering beneficial ownership, is an essential factor in combatting corruption.

Lifestyle audits are often used by state-owned enterprises and government departments as a method in ensuring transparency and strengthening the investigative…

Research commons spaces contribute to graduate and research output at NWU

To keep abreast of the trends of the twenty-first-century, the North-West University’s (NWU’s) academic libraries has embarked on major space renovations since 2014.

One such renovation includes the establishment of research commons spaces at each of the three campus libraries.…

NWU lecturer uses information technology to make a difference 

Chuku Taole, North-West University (NWU) Information Technology (IT) lecturer and Vanderbijlpark Campus alumnus, is committed to making a positive and lasting difference in the Lethabo Power Village where he grew up. 

For the past few years, the former NWU Student Representative Council member, together with a group of former…

Great things on the horizon for Africa’s science students

The sky is the limit for African students interested in a career in the exciting field of astrophysics, and if Prof Don Kurtz has his way, this will be much sooner than later. Prof Kurtz recently joined the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus as extraordinary professor, and has already hatched a plan alongside another world-class…

Malan milking the runs

It has been almost exactly two years since a singular talent fulfilled a lifelong promise. On 3 February 2019 Janneman Nieuwoudt Malan made his international T20 debut for South Africa against Pakistan on home soil.

Just 22 years old, the boy became a man. The world had seen its…

NWU study: how indigenous fruit trees can benefit food security

“Indigenous fruits have long been collected from the wild for human consumption and other purposes. This concept of ‘one tree, many uses’ speaks to how indigenous fruit trees are valued for many things other than just their fruits.”

This is…

Key targets must be achieved to avert financial Dunkirk

“The key economic and fiscal targets in the budget must be achieved and growth policies implemented if South Africa still wants to avert a financial Dunkirk later.”

Prof Raymond Parsons from the Business School at the…

Take a 3D tour of the NWU Gallery’s latest exhibition

South Africa has been on lockdown for almost year, and businesses across the country have had to find innovative ways to continue operating.

The North-West University (NWU) Gallery is no different, and after Covid-19 restrictions were enforced, it started hosting its art…